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Author Topic: Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?  (Read 1247 times)

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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« on: September 04, 2004, 02:55:28 PM »
Here is a listing of the hot issues in American politics. What is your stance on the topic and/or what would you do about the issue? If you don\'t know or have no opinion just put "undecided"








EUTHANASIA ("Right-to-Die")











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Offline shockwaves
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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2004, 03:48:23 PM »
ABORTION- Pro Choice.  If you feel it\'s immoral, don\'t do it.  But you can\'t force those beliefs on others with something like this.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION- I think it needs to be scaled back some in some situations, but it\'s still necessary in some situations, sadly.

BUDGET & TAXES- Ideally?  Heavy tax increases for the top 1%, and heavy tax cuts for the poorer part of the country.

CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM- If it were up to me, all campaigns would be publically financed, with no private contributions monetarilly.

CRIME & DRUGS- Once again, if it were up to me, I\'d make a lot of changes here.  First of all, drastically reduce sentancing for drug violations and other victimless crimes.  I would increase punishment for coperate crime.  I would be against mandatory minimum sentances and three strike laws.  I\'d push for more treatment programs.  I\'d legalize marijuana, but heavily regulate it, since it\'s easy enough to get as is, but this would get rid of the crime aspect.  

EDUCATION I would increase the budgets here for public schools, and pay teachers more if possible.

ENVIRONMENT More heavy regulations on industrial pollution...

EUTHANASIA ("Right-to-Die") Like abortion, this should be a person\'s right to choose.  If you don\'t think it\'s moral, fine, but your morals aren\'t everyone else\'s.

FOREIGN RELATIONS I would try to mend things more with different European and middle eastern nations.  I would give more importance to the UN, and pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

FIRST AMENDMENT, FREE SPEECH & THE INTERNET Full protection of freedom of speech, press, etc.  This includes on the internet.  I mean, if you try to regulate that, people will just host out of the country anyway.

GAY RIGHTS Same rights as straight couples.  Right to marry, equal chances of adopting, etc.

GUNS I think guns should have to be registered, and that things like the waiting periods that exist should remain, but I\'d strongly protect the right to own guns.

HEALTH CARE I would ideally move more towards public health care being available to those who need it.

IMMIGRATION The same sort of restrictions on people entering the country, but while someone is in the country, whether as a legal or illegal immigrant, they have the same rights as anyone else.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE I am very much against free trade and the WTO and all that.  It leads to the standards and salaries of workers in this country lowering to keep up with the cheap labor in other nations.

LABOR UNIONS, JOBS & BUSINESS I think that we should do what we can to try and keep skill jobs from moving over seas.  As for issues of labor vs. business, I tend to side with labor more often.

MILITARY, NATIONAL DEFENSE & VETERANS Pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan.  I would decrease the spending on national defense slightly, and use that money in areas like social security, health care, and education instead.  Never decrease benefits to veterans.

SOCIAL SECURITY & SENIORS I would do all I can to protect social security.  People have paid it all their life and rely on it for their retirements.  If that was suddenly not there for them, it would be awful.

WOMEN *insert Clinton related joke here*

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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2004, 05:34:48 PM »
ABORTION I\'m neutral for it. If you want an abortion, fine, your choice but if you are against it, don\'t. If my girlfriend got pregnant, personally, I\'d want her to keep the baby.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Good in some cases bad in others. Maybe cut down a bit.

BUDGET & TAXES Keep them pretty much the way they are but offer breaks in certain situations (ie, single mother in a shit job with 5 kids).

CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM Maybe public money with contributions within reason.

CRIME & DRUGS Lower sentences with stupid crimes but keep a strong antidrug policy and throw Vivi in jail for possession.

EDUCATION Keep it as strong as possible and as much money as I can get.

ENVIRONMENT A clean environment is a happy environment. We need to keep it clean so I\'d enforce the current laws more strictly.

EUTHANASIA ("Right-to-Die") No opinion on this. If the person wants to die, give them their wish.

FOREIGN RELATIONS **** the UN :) j/k. I\'d keep foreign relations as strong as possible.

FIRST AMENDMENT, FREE SPEECH & THE INTERNET I never want to encroach on other\'s free speech. If its slander or completely out of line, that\'s different (like the penalties currently). Wouldn\'t change anything. The only thing that should be censored on the internet is child porn and maybe snuff.

GAY RIGHTS Give it to them. They are tax paying citizens, why not? If it makes them happy and voting.

GUNS Waiting lists and back ground checks are good. Don\'t want to interfere with anyones right to bear arms.

HEALTH CARE Get as much health care as possible to those who can\'t afford it and get them lifesaving proceedures.

IMMIGRATION Crack down on illegals but welcome new immigrants that become legal. Keep the current laws.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE Trade is good but we need to stop relying on other countries. I\'d like to actually have something that\'s not made in China.

LABOR UNIONS, JOBS & BUSINESS Let the unions congregate and make sure that there are enough jobs here in the country. If not, open up some jobs in public works. The more people, the quicker jobs can get done.

MILITARY, NATIONAL DEFENSE & VETERANS Give a lot of funding to the military in times of war and pay raises to America\'s soldiers. They deserve every penny they have. Other regulations and policies remain the same.

SOCIAL SECURITY & SENIORS Get seniors all they need without raising taxes.

WOMEN Make sure the really hot ones end up in my room. And track down that girl on ebay ;)
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
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U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

"13 year old girls sleep with older men cause they think theyre in love
13 year old boys sleep with older women cause theyd be stupid not to

Offline GigaShadow
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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2004, 07:38:46 PM »
ABORTION  Pro Choice

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Very much against.  Quotas do nothing other than foster resentment.  If someone is qualified they should get the job regardless of race.

BUDGET & TAXES Taxes are right where they should be.  Most of our taxes are already paid by the richest percentage of this country.  Eliminate the loopholes that allow some of the rich to get away with paying no taxes and revise deductions.  

CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM  Actually I find the private groups interesting - makes for a more entertaining campaign.

CRIME & DRUGS Keep marijauna illegal.  Make mandatory sentences for violent and sex crimes - with no option of parole until sentence is served.  

EDUCATION  Since Bush has allocated more Federal $$ to education than any other President I think the problem is on the State and Local government level.  The money isn\'t getting to the schools.  The State systems should be monitored as to where the funds go and people should be held accountable should money disappear.

Also regulate college tuition - it is out of hand now and only getting worse.  

ENVIRONMENT  Couldn\'t care less, but if I must answer - I am happy with current regulations.

EUTHANASIA ("Right-to-Die")  Up to the individual.  Government should have no say here.

FOREIGN RELATIONS  First, withdraw from the UN and kick that corrupt joke of an organization out of NYC.  Second, revise NATO and leave France out of it.  Third, make NATO the civilized world\'s UN where only relevant countries have a "veto" power.

Let those who aren\'t fond of our government and corporations in Europe fend for themselves.  Enact heavy trade tariffs to further prevent them from having a successful economy.  Lets face it, without the corporations here in the US, the world economy would go down the toilet.  You don\'t like how we play?  You aren\'t invited.  

Absolutely support preemptive strikes based on intelligence - even if wrong - I would rather be wrong then place American citizens at risk.  America first - the rest of the world second.

FIRST AMENDMENT, FREE SPEECH & THE INTERNET  All for freedom of speech, as far as the internet - child porn should be censored.

GAY RIGHTS  They don\'t have rights?  Civil Unions yes, marriage no.  As much as they would like the US as whole to believe that their lifestyle is normal - it isn\'t and it shouldn\'t be pushed on the rest of us.

GUNS  Current system is fine.  

HEALTH CARE  I think personal health care savings accounts are a good idea - I pay $400 a month and I don\'t use it every month.  The HMO PPO plans need to be regulated.  Presciption drug prices also need to be regulated.

IMMIGRATION  Unless you can bring a skill that can used for you to make a living here - don\'t come.  Don\'t come here if you are poor expecting to sponge off of our government and economy.  Also make ENGLISH the national language.


LABOR UNIONS, JOBS & BUSINESS  Outlaw Unions - they are worthless and feed those who run these corrupt organizations.  In this day and age unions are a dinosaur left over from before OSHA was created.  Unions were originally meant to protect employees from being taken advantage of - OSHA does that now on a Federal and State level.  

MILITARY, NATIONAL DEFENSE & VETERANS  Give the military a large budget and take better care of our Veterans.  Provide decent government jobs for those who return from war with disabilites.  

SOCIAL SECURITY & SENIORS SS needs to be totally reworked.  I like the idea of saving for your own retirement and doing away with SS.  

WOMEN certainly a hot issue.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2004, 07:41:28 PM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2004, 08:35:05 PM »
Suprised at a couple. Not so much on others. At least you stick to your beliefs. Too tired to make any kind of critique at the moment but then again thats not really why this thread was started (or so im going to assume).


Thats a boat load to cover thoroughly. Its about that time to hit the sack before a HUGE day tomorrow. Perhaps ill adress a few things in a couple of days.


I guess since im here ill put down some junk here and there.

1) Pro choice - easily. While after a certain point of course i suppose i would call it killing a life but up until that point i wouldnt think twice about it. Like some have said - its a personal thing and if a doctor is willing then i dont see why not. Perhaps there should be laws against those that abuse the right. That and deny the operation after a certain period. (that was a lot longer than i had hoped)

2) Im for it (obviously) but to a certain extent. I mean if only it could be used more in the right places. There are people that need it and then there are those that dont but still benefit from it. But there are poor white kids too that could use something of the sort. Perhaps income should be an additional factor. Too many details to acurately cover.

3) I can agree with Giga to a certain extent on this one, though being the socialist liberal that i am (jk), i think that the distribution in wealth should be leveled just a little bit. I have no doubt in my mind that a lot of people with money work for what they have but like carnegie i think its a good idea for the more than well off to help the less fortunate in the cycle of social darwinism. (of course im not talking about buying your way into any place but hey).

4) Eh. As far as intrest goes im not that concerned, but i suppose the current system is sufficient. Full public funding takes too much out of people/companies/agencies that dont need to be taken from. Usually we dont see problems with funding so its not the largest issue on the slate.

tired. done for the night.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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Re: Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2004, 03:48:58 AM »
ABORTION   Not for it or against it.  It serves a purpose.  I just don\'t like it used for birth control.  It is to be used in cases of rape and other wrong doing.  Lots of people want to adopt.  Until that well is dry, there is just no reason to suck it out.  Although they are quite tasty.....

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION  Don\'t really see where it\'s needed any more.  Although I am probably just blind.

BUDGET & TAXES  All for having a budget and taxes.  You don\'t have taxes you don\'t have roads, schools, defense, etc.  How else do you expect Millie to live in her trailer with her 8 kids if we don\'t throw her some welfare.  Is welfare on this list?  No?  Get rid of the shit.  You can be on welfare for 2 months and that\'s it.  After that you have to work and the gov\'t can subsidize your low wage ass.


CRIME & DRUGS  I don\'t want either.  Penalties should be much much stiffer for drug dealers.  drug users should also get nailed, but the dealers are it.  Just need to not let those bastards back out after 2 weeks.

EDUCATION  Very important, but no one wants to pay what it will take to do it.

ENVIRONMENT  Tree huggers must die.  There are more freaking trees today than there were 100 years ago.  And why haven\'t we tapped that ass yet?  By ass, I mean of course Alaska.

EUTHANASIA ("Right-to-Die")  Dogs do it.  Cats do it.

FOREIGN RELATIONS  Silly foreigners.  I say we don\'t talk to them any more.

FIRST AMENDMENT, FREE SPEECH & THE INTERNET  Free speech has gone too far when it involves the publishing of bomb making, etc.  Although I\'m all for free porn.  Why are there no good boobies on this site?  

GAY RIGHTS  Everyone has the right to be gay. Bunch of whiners.

GUNS  No one should have a gun other than a hunting rifle.  You can shoot someone coming through your window with a hunting rifle just as well as a pistol, so your right to protect your property isn\'t hampered.

HEALTH CARE  Milk it makes a body good.   Health care friggen sucks and needs to be seriously reworked.  

IMMIGRATION  Country was built on it.  Although, we\'re built now.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE  Must have new DVD player for 19 bucks.  Yeah, like a US maker could build a DVD player for Walmart and turn a profit selling it to end user for 19 bucks.  We have to have trade since we don\'t allow sweat shops.

LABOR UNIONS, JOBS & BUSINESS  Labor unions are a must for some job departments.  Like maids in LV.  Those bitches make good bone because they are so needed in LV.  On the other side, my neighbor is in the pip fitter\'s union and he sits at home all day, but still punches in on his time card.  Nice.

MILITARY, NATIONAL DEFENSE & VETERANS  Love it.  Give em more cash.

SOCIAL SECURITY & SENIORS  THis goes back to the Euthanizing question.

WOMEN I guess we need them.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2004, 06:58:37 PM »
 Abortion should be outlawed and only done in certain dramtic situations because for the most part people get a abortion because they where two lazy to  use a condom.

Sadly still drasticly needed in our society. Racism going on stronger than ever. Should be beefed up in certain situation.

All for taxes but not for huge tax breaks for the rich while us poor guys get a foot in the ass.


Well if they wanted to stop drugs they could. They know who\'s bringing it into the country and were it is coming from. There are satellites all over the world.  Stronger punishments towards violent crimes. Just down right allow marijauna to be legal. As long as it is illegal it will be in high demand. If marijuana was legal the value of it would go down.

Put more effort into innercity schools.  And the cost of college should not be so expensive.

I\'ll get back to you on this one.

EUTHANASIA ("Right-to-Die")
It\'s my choice to live or die. The government should have no say so.

Stop sending so much money overseas. How about take care of our own  population. Stop send billions of dollars overseas when our economy is struggling.

I should be allowed to say what ever I want. Child porn should be outlawed.

They don\'t have rights? Gay people can\'t vote, get a job, use public restrooms? You telling me there are seperate areas for gays? Please only thing they want is the right to marriage. Marriage has been seen as a union between a man his women and god. That lifestyle isn\'t normal. If they want to live that way they should not force everyone to accept it.

Huge penalties and punishment under law for people allowing these guns to get on the streets illegally.

Everyone should have the right to some sort of healthcare. Healthcare in my state is horrible if you can\'t afford health insurance then you have none. Pretty sad
Stop HMO\'S from refusing to cover people.

Stop letting illegals sneak over here. Not paying any taxes and living off the land. It\'s horrible. English is the National Language. Enforce it got dammit. If your going to come here learn to speak it.

Against free trade

Companies should not be allowed to own the union. Unions have become a joke the last 25 years.

More time needed on subject

The more money I earn the more SS I should get when I am old enough to receive it.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2004, 07:00:21 PM by QuDDus »
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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2004, 07:57:51 PM »
Sadly still drasticly needed in our society. Racism going on stronger than ever.

Stronger than ever? This is bound to start criticism. I dont think its stronger than ever, though i know for a fact it isnt incredibly small by any means. And it does seem that youths around here are beginning to become more separated/racial about things than before. Though chicago has always been a very self segregated city (sadly enough).

And about the guns. I say make the bullets really expensive. 200 dollars a bullet. Chris Rock would be proud.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
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Re: Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2004, 09:06:01 PM »
ABORTION- Pro-Choice except for the partial birth. Unless a woman can figure out a way to have another women\'s child...they should shut their mouth.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION-It\'s needed. I really can\'t imagine America not having people that still judge based on skin color.

BUDGET & TAXES- Get rid of the TE BS and start getting the middle class more tax cuts.


CRIME & DRUGS- Keep MJ illegal. I don\'t think we need yet another substance that has the same effect as alcohol in the streets.

EDUCATION- Alot more money here. College tuition is WAY out of hand. Cali Tech is up in the 41K a YEAR! HOLY SHIT! I\'m probably going to end up in Texas Tech unless I can suck up as many "you\'re hispanic therefore you get money" scholarships!

ENVIRONMENT-Stricter rules. Funny how people don\'t think of the environment much. Hmm...Isn\'t it the thing that keeps us alive?

EUTHANASIA ("Right-to-Die") Same as Pro-Choice. Nothing can be done about it, let the person decide what to do with their lives

FOREIGN RELATIONS-Strengthen them instead of going at shit alone.

FIRST AMENDMENT, FREE SPEECH & THE INTERNET-Free speech. Whatever I feel like saying I should. I don\'t want to type "I hate Bush" and have the FBI immidiately(sp) at my door.

GAY RIGHTS- They have rights. But MARRIAGE IS A MUST. It\'s a decision straight people have no business with. Maybe they should focus more on their relationship so that the divorce rate drops?

GUNS-Fine the way it is

HEALTH CARE- Everybody should have health care. Make more plans available to those that can\'t afford it. (Medicaid, Chip etc)

IMMIGRATION- Set laws and regs to allow people that have been here a certain amount of time become residents. The way I see it, if a person has lived 10 years and made a life here they have thone their share to this country. I would also put up some laws about how clean their police record is, health and you know treat them like humans not invaders.



MILITARY, NATIONAL DEFENSE & VETERANS-Strenghten military and defense.


WOMEN- Can only make love to me and only if they are hot...Nah they are just like men...human and so on.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2004, 10:19:11 PM »
ABORTION- Hard to say. I guess I am pro-choice, but mainly in certain situations. How old the baby is, and the circumstances under which it was concieved should be taken into consideration.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION- I\'m not sure what it\'s like in USA, but I know that around these parts that if two people go for a job (one white, the other of Aboriginal or Torres Straight Island decent) the white guy won\'t be getting it even if he is more qualified.

BUDGET & TAXES- Tax brackets to be extended, and the tax threshold raised. Increase tax for those in the upper brackets. Ideally. Increase taxes on alcohol and cigarettes.

CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM- Uhm... crazy America.

CRIME & DRUGS- Marijuana remains illegal. Penalties for drug users reduced (perhaps larger fines/community service), however dealers should be slammed. A controversial subject down here a few years back was when clinics were opened where people could do heroin annonymously with clean equipement. Personally, I think it\'s a good idea. As much as I\'m against the idea of hard drug use this will reduce the risk of spreading diseases and death due to the illness. And I\'m positive that at the clinics there is a lot of anti-drug material, and perhaps even methodone alternatives to encourage people to quit.

EDUCATION Greatly increase budgets for our badly underfunded public schools. Education should be our #1 priority and our current government almost seems to neglect it. Teachers must be paid more, and less government funding to Private schools. I know that as of today there is no way in the world I would even consider sending my children to anything other than a Private school. And despite the fact that it would be to my advantage for the government to continue to fund private schools at a higher rate than public schools I know that it\'s simply not a logical choice and there are many families out there that will not be able to afford to go private.

ENVIRONMENT Heavier regulations on industrial pollution, and I think perhaps when a car is registered and given road-worthy, emissions should be tested and be quite stringent. We need more funding to preserve our native wild-life (flora and fauna).

EUTHANASIA ("Right-to-Die") It should be your choice. A moral decision to be made by ones self and any of his/her own organisations or religions, not the government.

FOREIGN RELATIONS First of all I would pull our forces out of Iraq. We recently put forth a trade agreement to USA (which the opposition enforced changes too, included regulations on what % of television on Australian TV would be Australian content, and also ensuring cheap pharmaceuticals to be available to all Australians). A strong relationship with the US is extremely desirable, but I don\'t believe going about it the way we are now is the right thing to do. Which is basically anything the USA thinks, we think too. This is something the Liberal/National  government has been doing for some time to basically ensure the USA\'s backup if we were ever in military trouble.  I believe an alternative approach would be better, and mine mirrors that of the opposition (Labor) and their leader (Mark Latham) is in favor for - strengthening our relationship with the islands and countries directly above us. If Australia were to be in military danger, it is most likely going to be a country such as Indonesia which will aid us more than the USA.

FIRST AMENDMENT, FREE SPEECH & THE INTERNET First Amendment? Whatever.. ;) This is just a given.

GAY RIGHTS I really see no reason why we shouldn\'t just let gay couples marry. Though, I also don\'t see a reason why it\'s so important for gays to marry, but, whatever. :)

GUNS I am quite in favor of Australias current gun restrictions.

HEALTH CARE Australias Health Care is slowly getting better, more incentives for doctors to bulk bill (though, it\'s something Doctors will never fully go for), more incentives for people to join private health insurance to ease the load on the public health system. More doctors and nurses would be great, too. :)

IMMIGRATION If you\'re illegal, you shouldn\'t be here. Australia has a major problem with illegal asian immigrants. The fact that we are an island certainly makes our problems harder to manage. More coast security to stop boat loads of illegals entering the mainland would be great.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE Meh, I\'m not fully informed enough about this subject.

LABOR UNIONS, JOBS & BUSINESS Not sure what the issue is here.

MILITARY, NATIONAL DEFENSE & VETERANS Pull out of Iraq. Encourage New Zealand to actually, yunno.. GET and army. Improve relations with neighboring countries. We seem to be spending a lot of money buying outdated military vehicles, helicopters and jet fighters from other countries which I\'m not sure is necessary. We are phasing out our F1-11 fights for a jet which we aren\'t even sure will be superior! It will also leave a major gap in our air defence around 2010, I believe which needs to be filled. Funding and incentives to rural airports to increase security. What ever happened to that \'Star Wars\' defense program? That sounded pretty silly, but again, I\'m not fully informed.. It seemed more like our Prime Minister trying to get on USA\'s side.

SOCIAL SECURITY & SENIORS Not sure what the issue is here. I know there needs to be tighter regulations around retirement homes, and obviously more pension would be great as many elderly people here are struggling quite a bit.

WOMEN Uhh.. they... are sexy.. yum.. I... sorry, I couldn\'t think of a good joke. :(
« Last Edit: September 08, 2004, 07:07:17 PM by Bobs_Hardware »

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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2004, 04:22:34 AM »
Reagan\'s "Star Wars" bluff bankrupted the USSR and won the Cold War.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2004, 09:44:36 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Reagan\'s "Star Wars" bluff bankrupted the USSR and won the Cold War.

What exactly was it? Just telling the Soviet Union that we were developing weapons in space? Did we even have plans on doing it?
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
"LOL u know id fuck yu wsboth right? i would love to fuck the both of uyouy

U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

"13 year old girls sleep with older men cause they think theyre in love
13 year old boys sleep with older women cause theyd be stupid not to

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Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2004, 10:42:19 AM »
No it was real.  It was a satellite based defense system that would literally shoot a laser at an incoming missle.  Something like what you would see in Star Wars!  Reagan funded it, but it never really worked out.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
[/size]One Big Ass Mistake America

Global Warming ROCKS!!!![/b]

Offline QuDDus
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Re: Re: Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2004, 12:29:57 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq

Keep MJ illegal. I don\'t think we need yet another substance that has the same effect as alcohol in the streets.

Why not make it legal? It\'s not going anywhere. It\'s still on our streets. Legal or not it\'s still on the streets. Make it legal and it\'s street value  goes way down. There would be no reason for people to sell it. The profit value of mj would be so low selling it on the streets would be a waste of time.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2004, 12:32:48 PM by QuDDus »
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

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Re: Bush Sucks and Kerry Blows. Can you do better?
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2004, 04:47:43 PM »
I might as well reply to my own thread.

ABORTION - I personally do not agree with abortions but I think that it is something that should be between the woman and the doctor. I am against woman using abortions as a sort of "last line of defense" contraceptive.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - Many people feel that affirmative action gives an unfair advantage to minorities, women, and the poor. I believe that being a rich white male was, and (to an extent) still is, an unfair advantage. Affirmative action does more to help America than it does to weaken it. I would also venture to say that many people who oppose affirmative action do not even know how it works.

BUDGET & TAXES - I am against over taxing the richest 1% because I feel that we should not punish someone for being successful. I do however believe that the lowest percentages should recieve additional tax relief.

CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM - I am for the elimination of donations and gifts to be replaced by public funding for campaigns. This would eliminate(or at least diminish) the special interests say in public policy and give a wider variety of candidates an opportunity to change the course of american politics.

This is not part of the topic; but I am also for term limits in the legislative branch.

CRIME & DRUGS - I think that America\'s prison system needs sweeping reform. We should make and effort to reform criminals while incarcerated instead of making them worse than when they went in.

I am also for the decrimanalization of marijuana and the amnesty of those in jail over non-violent marijuana offenses. Smoking is a victimless crime and the prevention does more damage than decriminalization could ever hope to.

EDUCATION - Spending more money on our education system is not the answer. We spend more per student than just about every other country in the world. The problem seems to be the improper dissemination of funds and the the inefficent use of those funds. I really think that education should be something that is federally regulated and mandated in order to ensure an equal dispersion of funds and resources.

ENVIRONMENT - As a country we should be looking into alternative fuel sources in order to wean ourselves off of international oil. When someone develops a VIABLE alternative we should make every effort to support the new technology.

Recycling is not an efficient way to protect the environment because recyclables cause more waste during the recycling process than they would if thrown in a landfill. I would basically eliminate all state financed recycling programs EXCEPT for those that deal with aluminum cans.

EUTHANASIA ("Right-to-Die") - I am for active euthanasia but undecided about passive euthanasia. If an extremely sick individual feels that their sickness makes life too difficult to live then they should have the right to die. If they were able they would probably commit suicide themselves.

When it comes to passive euthanasia I think it is hard to say what is in the best interest of the individual. The fact that they can not confirm nor deny their own desires should make the decision "life" by default. However, it is not always that simple. The family may not want this person to live the rest of their life in pain or they might not be able to afford treatment. Its a complex subject.

FOREIGN RELATIONS - We need to go into every situation with our own interests in mind. We also need to realize that we are not alone on this planet and that having beneficial relations with other countries IS in our best interest.

FIRST AMENDMENT, FREE SPEECH & THE INTERNET - I hate to be "that guy" who uses quotes as an argument but these quotes pretty much sum up my opinion on free speech and the first amendment.

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George ORWELL

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it." - VOLTAIRE

GAY RIGHTS - I believe that gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions but I am not as sure about gay couples adopting children. I am not adamantly against it but I am definately not for it.

GUNS - As it is now, I think the system is fine.

HEALTH CARE - Should be universal for everyone. No one should die for the need of a simple procedure due to the lack of funds.

IMMIGRATION - It should be regulated but not stopped. We are a country of immigrants and we should recognise this when making policy

INTERNATIONAL TRADE - I am against free trade and I think we should not support countries that promote poor working conditions and slave labor.

LABOR UNIONS, JOBS & BUSINESS - Unions do more harm than good.

Jobs should not be outsourced and businesses should NEVER receive corporate welfare.

MILITARY, NATIONAL DEFENSE & VETERANS - Military spending should be focused on maintaining our standing army and developing better equipment.

Also, Veterans of foreign wars should be the one of the most well protected groups in america.

SOCIAL SECURITY & SENIORS - SS is going to totally collapse on itself in the coming years. Baby Boomers created a financial boon when they were the majority of the workforce but now that they are beginning to retire we do not have enough people working to support them. I think that any money the government takes should be invested for the future use of the individual.

WOMEN - fuck em.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]


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