Originally posted by clips
^^^easy for you to say...i don\'t have peeps in the military but i still feel for these soldiers that had to have their lives cut short because bush wanted to be a cowboy...
Oh please STFU. No one likes to see anyone die, but our soldiers joined the military knowing what could happen - that is their job and that is the risk they take. Sorry if you can\'t stomach casuality reports - I can just image the whining and the belly aching if we were in a serious conflict that would be coming from people like you.
Yes, we honor these soldiers that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, but people like you need to get a damn backbone. Sanctions were not working - Saddam
repeatedly violated UN resolutions and the terms of his surrender at the end of the first Gulf War and you claim sanctions were working! You claim sanctions were working when it has been proven that UN Oil for Food program was corrupt??!?!?!?!?
We are fighting Islamic fundamentalists now, not the Iraqi army. How can this be a bad thing that we are fighting them over there as opposed to fighting them here? Really... I can\'t fathom how you can either think removing Saddam was a bad thing and/or pulling out of Iraq now will make things better.