My last post was shit. It was late at night and my computer died and I wasn\'t even sure if I had posted.
I\'ll trust the guy that says hes going to fix Iraq more than the guy who started the mess in Iraq.
It\'s sad though that Bush people are killing Kerry over the fact that he wants to get more cooperation from other countries. Are you just not willing to give the guy some hope? Shit, it\'s not his fault Bush screwed over every nation and now they don\'t want to participate.(Except for the UK who is know THINKING they might send some troops again-I don\'t see Bush doing much about encouraging) You bash on Kerry on his willingness to at least attempt to bring other nations into this mess but you turn a blind eye to the one who caused this problem!
Hypocrisy is a huge thing this days.
Bush didn\'t really oppose the commission?
White House Resisted Fully Funding: Time Magazine reported last year that the White House "brushed off" a request by Commission Chairman Tom Kean to boost the investigation\'s budget by $11 million, even though the Commission stated it could not complete the investigation without the funds.
White House Opposed Time Extension for Finishing Commission\'s Work: In January 2004, President Bush and House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) opposed granting a two-month extension, even though Commission members said the extra time was necessary to finish their work. Two weeks later, after public outcry, the White House capitulated and announced on February 4, 2004, that it would allow the Commission to have the extra 60 days it needed.
and the list goes on... repeately has said that Iraq was cooperating? Why are you so sure he wasn\'t? The 11 years he had of deceiving? Well, we didn\'t believe him now look at where we are today. Iraq was giving more time and even allowed inspectors to search the Palaces! MORE TIME?! It was the Bush administration who rushed into this. But now we just sit back and watch NK grow!
Now we have time for some reason. Now we can use diplomacy. Now the world seems to be real safe with Hussein gone. Yeah right.
"A UAV launched from a vessel off the American coast could reach hundreds of miles inland."
Man, that must of been one scary thought. No wonder people backed up the Iraq war.
Powell and Rice said it. can\'t prove Laden wasn\'t in Tora bora. So that goes nowhere.
The middle east is far from stable right now. We have countries that are building up their nuclear power and constant attacks on each other. That doesn\'t seem to stable. Hussein IN NOT the war on terror. There was NO holistic effect of this war except maybe freeing the Iraqis. That\'s about it, but let\'s not forget this war was never about freeing the Iraqis, that was an after excuse.
Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 and we know that for a fact. If those issues were such a problem why did we wait until after 9/11 to bring them up. Why didn\'t Bush bring it up earlier. Because he couln\'t and 9/11 was his time to shine to resurrect all of the accusations knowing that terrorism was in the back of everybody\'s mind and invading Iraq would be easy.
But the way things look, it seems to me like the war on terror now is about one country.