I kind of avoided this thread for the past half hour, but even I can\'t keep away from talking about this game even when it pains me the most. That may seem melodramatic, but seriously, all I wanted was a good story. I had high hopes all the secrecy had to do with how great and how awesome it was. Just imagine, if you will, my dissapointment when I found out so much of the game was either cut or rushed or just plain ditched when I finally saw the ending happened well before it should have.
I actually did enjoy the first Halo -- one of the few people on this board who will admit that it seems. I for one didn\'t find a lot of the misgivings so many of the people on here have with the game to be too dramatic (framerate, enemy AI, etc). I did find levels to be tedious, but I also think approaching situations differently with different weapons added a lot of flavor to the game and made those few levels that seemed monotonous to actually feel pretty fun and even moreso with a friend. In addition, the difficulty level added plenty to that and it balanced out the gameplay a great deal.
Unfortunately, though maybe it\'s just my age or my position as a gamer these days being far less engrossing then it once was, I just didn\'t want to put up with it this time around in Halo 2. Admittedly, I didn\'t even notice that many changes in the game when I started playing it, but I can easily attribute that to the fact that I pretty much blew through it in a sitting just to get the story aspect out of my system. I came in, I killed elites, I killed overgrown gorillas and a host of other enemies and vehicles. Even had a boss fight or two -- though they were utterly dissapointing as they were on the incredibly weak side (something I assume changes on legendary). I did find myself using some more weapons far more then others in the campaign though as some are just far more lethal then others.
I enjoy jacking vehicles in the game, though I feel having to punch someone several times to just get them out is a little on the lame side for some vehicles. I found duel weilding to be pretty good early in the game but totaly useless later in the game. I also think the SMG\'s are really lame and I\'m still astonished they get so much attention. I miss the old rifle the chief had. This new one looks cool, but it lacks the constant punch the old one had. I find myself preferring the zoom and the precision of the covenant carbine more and more. I also liked outfitting my teammates with weapons and giving them sniper rifles while I take the more concentrated weapons and protect them. I think they are really stupid drivers though, especially if I\'m in another vehicle and they ram into me -- several times no less.
I don\'t like the fact Bungie addressed level design by making you hold a single position for longer. True, I\'m not moving through the same corridors, but there\'s lots of times when I\'m just on a single piece of metal or in a single area and I just have to hold my position against the enemy. I also like doing it with the plasma sword, that\'s a lot of fun, but I think it\'s a bit overused in the game and too readily available. I also don\'t like how levels are essentially really small, but have large backgrounds to make it seem a lot larger then it actually is. I don\'t feel that every situation is approachable with different weapons with different avenues of attack as much in Halo 2 as it was in the original. It\'s true you can do a lot more it seems, but they actually force you to do a lot less with objectives. I found myself bypassing a lot of battles with a quick vehicle just to hit checkpoints as not to waste any time. Maybe I do find the game repetetive, but essentially, I did just want to get through the story.
One thing that did impress me, as I always go through options first and foremost before starting any game, was jus thow many options you\'re afforded in the profile character creation. Lots of colors, lots of symbols, lots of colors for the symbols. It was all very impressive in my opinion. It\'s obvious to me that a LOT of work went into the multiplayer and little else. I\'m not even going to touch the cut scene graphics this time as so many others have. It\'s painful though, to say the least. I\'d go online right now if I didn\'t have 4 torrents going so maybe this weekend I\'ll take a crack at it. Right now though, as it stands, I feel Bungie stole my money and that\'s really sad.