Religion hating liberals? Its not these people who are running for offices. Most Democratic officials or at least those running for positions do not oppose religion. Its the bible thumping right that dont hear enough god talk to persuade them. Perhaps thats a bit too strong and to generalized and i do not hate religion. As a matter of fact i usually tend to not like those that rip it up as complete trash (though i cant say im the most religious person on this planet).
Anyway, its not the liberals in general that people need to worry about in terms of elected officials.
On the religious tip and voting for officials that might stand for something "ungodly":
If people can be born to two god fearing people, with hormonal imbalances that cause them to be feminine then i dont think taking a semi positive stand on gays should effect a running official as much as it might (if any of that makes sense). People may not like it but it happens and its been happening for centuries. People can fight that battle but to want harm to come to another person for the simple fact that they are gay seems a little too extreme and thats were religion can hurt this country (depending on your position on things i suppose).
sorry if this is off topic and doesnt make any sense: Its kinda late... or early.