Originally posted by GigaShadow
When my sociology professor openly supported the idea of pedeophilia it made me start to question the liberal agenda in this country. It wasn\'t overnight, but it was a start.
You seem to be well indoctrinated by MTV, CBS and other liberal media outlets. You have absolutely no reason to hate Bush. He has more hispanics in his administration than any other President. He has proposed to give amnesty to illegals here now... and you still hate the man.
I really don\'t understand the logic to your blind hatred, except that you have been indoctrinated and refuse to look at any positive things Bush has done for you and your community.
To make sure every mouth is fed? Since when was this the governments responsibility? Especially when it comes to illegals? Illegals do not deserve any benefits the government has to offer since they are not citizens. To make sure whatever "I" accomplish in life others can to? That is and has always been possible. You seem to imply that you want it handed to you. The answer to your statement is: WORK. If you are a citizen you have every opportunity that other citizens have. If you are not a citizen - tough luck... leave.
One statement a Republican has made that doesn\'t involve money? Are you really that blind?
Because they are illegal. They have no right to be here. Selfish? No its called abiding by the law. This country can better use its resources on citizens rather than illegals who come here for a free ride.
And liberals don\'t? You read the book America by Jon Stewart didn\'t you? Hypocrite.
I have yet to meet that kind of extreme liberalist.
I don\'t have cable so it couldn\'t be MTV. I could care less about CBS and tell me about all the "liberal" media outlets. Everything that doesn\'t support your conservative ideas is "liberal" right? And being "liberal" automatically makes it bad right?
It\'s not "blind hate" He could marry a Mexican woman for all I care. His policies are a joke, his stubborness makes America very open to attacks, the Iraq war is going nowhere fast(Nov. had the most number of casualties since the war begun), Afghanistan is a drug state and we actually believe that Iran has stopped their nuclear projects. All of the "hispanics" in his cabinet support his ideas. Their "closet hispanics" in my opinion. Too blind to even reach out to their own. Plus, his immigration reform plan is a joke.
What has Bush done for my community? Seriously, do you have any idea of what living in MY community is about? I don\'t think so. Do your kids go to a shithole school like so many of the kids in my community? Is the crime rate as high in your community than in mine?
And didn\'t Bush just cut funding that would help some aspects of my community? I think so. And is his No Child Left Behind crap really helping? No.
He has the support of people like you Giga. That alone makes me not like him.
It\'s not the governments responsibility. But you seem to love talking about your "culture" and how America is so great. That was my opinion of what USED to make America great. Now is nothing more than selfish, stubborn and unwilling country.
WORK! Wow, I should of really thought about that. I mean we all grew up under the same circumstances right? We both had parents who earned the same amount of money right? We were all white during the 60\'s and 70\'s right?
It\'s not that easy.
"Leave"- A true American
"Illegals come here for a free ride"- Right. Since you know so much about each one of them right?
Well, name one then? If it isn\'t about money it\'s something religious. It\'s not that I\'m blind, it\'s just that I\'ve never heard one.
"Hypocrite"- C\'mon you brought up those stats trying to symbolize something. I didn\'t mean that ONLY conservatives read those type of books. So please...don\'t take your assumptions and put them in my mouth. You seem to love that.