Just got back from a freinds 21st, went to a bar then onto a club, me and my freind didnt get in because the place was so packed (2 other clubs had burned down the day b4) so my other freind comes out of the club and we meet up with 2 other freinds (5 of us now) one of the freinds we met up with was off his face drunk.
We went into a really quiet bar and tried to make him chill out a bit, he knoks over my drink onto the floor then we decide to leave, as we are getting up the totally drunk one picks up a bottle of beer and pours it all over me and my £100 jacket, we then walked around trying to stop him killing himself by running into walls b4 we could get to a taxi, he runs into the street etc, always running away form us when we are trying to get him home,
Eventually a taxi comes and 3 of us get in leaving the drunk guy and another guy to get the other taxi, all in all a shitty night with alcohol being the root of it - thoughts?