I just seen Last Order.
The animation is well done.
Story is near the last moments of what happened at Nibelheim when Sephiroth went all berserk and started slaughtering the villagers.
A few spoilers:
a)Differences from the game\'s story is that Cloud reveals himself to Tifa after she is wounded. A possbile explanation is that because Tifa was severely wounded she didnt remember him when she recovered.
b)Another difference is that it has a few other small parts that werent told in the game since Cloud and Zack were unconscious to notice. Unfortunately I couldnt get anything from the dialoques since it was in Japanese with french subtitles
c)Lastly Sephiroth is wounded by Cloud, but Sephiroth stabs him twice. Cloud doesnt die and manages to hit him, leaving Sephiroth surprised. Then he jumps to the lifestream with Jenovc instead of Cloud throwing him in it. It expands a few minutes more from here and it ends
I wouldnt reckommend it a must have unless you are a FF7 fanatic. Its very short and ends very suddenly.