Not all Christians think that way. I, for one, know that Muslims and Christians actually worship the same God. The God of Abraham. Jesus is actually well regarded in teh Quran, the Muslim\'s equivelant of the Christian Bible.
But I know that both sides have their extremists. It\'s a fact that both religions have a few knuckleheads who\'ve chosen to forget the message of peace that both religions preach. The Christians have their Crusades and the Muslims have their terrorists.
There are actually prominent Muslims, Vid, that have condemed these so-called "suicide for virgins" as complete false - or "whacked" as you say it. Religious extremists will preach hatred towards the ignorant who\'ll believe in anything. Even heavenly virgins as rewards, if they kill innocents.
I doubt you can actually raise your child with rational thought if you can\'t even educate yourself about such things you try to pass off as something you know about.