Originally posted by GigaShadow
Mystiq - you constantly bitch about the "white man" and constantly bring up your race in your posts. It is quite hard to overlook your race related whining. The sooner you resolve your racist issues, the happier and more successful you will be.
You\'re right Giga.
I forgot I was a racist/Hispanic.
I don\'t have "racial issues"
I have issues with people that want to treat and speak of others as if they were disposables. Those who have their head up their butt so deep they put others aside.
Like you Giga. And you\'re "F\'em" view. Very American, very patriotic.
The minute I get the President\'s scholarship I will inform you. I probably won\'t. I was nomitated. But, I find it hard to beat a girl who came from a private high-school, all girl and valedictorian. She just happens to be of a Middle Eastern background.
As long as the "white kids" keep on looking at things from a "I can\'t do anything about it" view. Things will stay the same.
I am thankful for being a different color. I do have access to many scholarships. But, how many hispanic students are out there hunting for that same scholarship? How many will get it?
Please, your skin color doesn\'t mean shit when you have to go against others and academically compete with them also.