My friends finally talked me into it and I was nervous. I can\'t rollerblade and skateboard or any of that, so this seemed like it\'d be rough.
And rough is probably a good word for it, heh.
We went down the street to Mountain Creek. You might have heard of the park.
We took three trips down the mountain. I fell so often, but onoly a couple painful spills. One hurt my shoulder pretty good.
I was trying to take it easy up there and on my second trip I had a pretty good time, compared to the first. I hadn\'t fallen as much at all and it was pretty fun.
The third time I fell a little more, but that\'s when I messed up my shoulder muscle so that may have been the least favorite ride.
But I did it, and now I\'m sore as hell, heh.
Wonder if I\'ll go back..
Oh, and Happy New Year.