Sure I collect lots of historical stuff, coins, military stuff and so on.
Some of the WW2 stuff I have:
27 mm Walther signal pistol (Leuchtpistole)
k98 german bayonet manufactured in Hannover in 1942.
A Swedish civil defence helmet (civil defence or antiaircraft defence).
NSDAP pin.
A German police "mark" (the german eagle holding the cross, think of the luftwaffe markings) which they had on the caps.
A stamp which the Germans used on Jewish passports in Warsaw.
A letter which I received as a gift from a man I buy books from, he got it from a friend of his who is German and served in the German army, it has a stamp of Hitler on it.
Military books from 1939-40 which talks about the german armour why it is so effective and so on.
(Note: I might collect many german things, but that is what is most common over here, other stuff are harder to come by, so don’t think Im a neo-nazi.)
Other/older stuff I have.
Coins, from 1600-1700, my favourite is a 1/6 öre sm copper coin from 1718, very nice quality. I also have a few gold coins from 1800-1900 from Denmark and Sweden.
A 1700/1800 pistol (stock and firing mechanism from 1800 (converted from flintlock to cap), the barrel is from 1700 sometime) .50 calibre, nice quality but not that fancy, simple decoration etc. Probably Italian or German, could have been used as a duel weapon according to a guy I showed it to.