random responses:
-I meant the digital controls, not analog. And PS2\'s sticks are perfect in all situations technically, it\'s just that no RE game was designed for it the way RE4 is designed for the GC pad. But regardless, I meant oldschool digital controls. They worked perfectly already.
-I\'ve played 1,000\'s of games, prejudged every single one. Guess how many I changed my mind about after playing it? One. KOTOR. And my prejudge on that was after playing and not realizing it got better after the beginning. My track record of my prejudgment matching my final verdict is so impossibly perfect that I don\'t need to play anything to know if I will like it.
-mm can feel free to help me out if he agrees. I just wanted to post my opinion on the game since it seems few are willing to speak negatively about it. I don\'t need mm though, and he doesn\'t hold a monopoly on dissenting opinions.
-Halo sucks (and yes, I\'ve played that), so thank you for using that as an example. It only cements my opinion that this is an average game that \'every loves\' but no one has a good example of what makes it better than the hundreds of other games that are as good.