I finished it a week ago.Like Ashford I am also impressed by the content Capcom has put in it.Though there were a few aspects I didnt like, like things that made it too action packed in a few places, almost everything else was superb.
Personally I bought the PS2 version.Graphics arent as good as the GC.There is a noticable difference but they are still great.Not very far from the GC version.
The music and sound effects were also nice in most parts.Some other parts though werent exactly Resi like.Like in the first encounters in the island section.Music was a bit action like.Reminded me of the Resi movie.
One thing that dissapointed me a bit was the fact that I think Capcom could have added a bit more variety of enemies.But they did a fine job at enjoying fighting those bastards to the last minute.Some enemies though sometimes made me laugh a bit

Anyways.The game is full screen now.No more black boarders

I unlocked some new modes I havent checked yet.
I enjoyied it a lot.I give it a solid 9 out of 10.
Its bigger, its atmospheric, its different from the other resis, and the target feature gave capcom the chance to add a bit of strategy into fighting those bastards and ofcourse the Bosses