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Author Topic: You have GOT to be kidding me  (Read 4234 times)

Offline Titan

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You have GOT to be kidding me
« on: January 19, 2005, 05:59:23 AM »
I really don\'tknow why but this article really pissed me off. There is a Christian museum pushing creationism. I was fine with it until the article talked about the warning signs and nonbelievers are "willfully ignorant". Have these religious fanatics have gone to far?

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Offline Cerberus

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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2005, 09:16:15 AM »
It\'s shit like this that further enforces my view that man came to be through the process of evolution, and not by the means with which they try their hardest to justify.

I\'m all for each person having the free will to choose his/her own belief, but I think it\'s wrong when they try to ram their beliefs down the throats of others.

Here\'s a thought:

God is the epitome of good. and is all forgiving right?

If that is the case, and he DOES exist, surely he will be willing to forgive those that are (according to the artical) "rejecting his history – including six-day creation and Noah\'s flood", and thus being "willfully ignorant" for their sin.

And if he\'s willing to forgive those who sin, what the f\'k are they bitching about?

I\'m agnostic myself, I neither believe or disbelieve. I only believe the notion that it is impossible to know for sure that god exists until it is my time to find out.

And like I said, I take comfort from one thing the bible squad continually preach, he IS all forgiving.

If he does exist, he will forgive me for being open on the subject.
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you. I don't care where you've  been or what you plan to do. I am the resurrection and I am the light. I  couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like.

Offline CHIZZY

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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2005, 09:18:59 AM »

Dinosaurs were killed in the flood. -#RaCeR#
Halle Berry just loves to give me the \"Dutch Oven\". That\'s why I stopped going down on her. It pisses me off so much that I just bang her til she faints. Bitch.-GmanJoe
i just try to make my sefhappy , by beng i company of fri

Offline SwifDi
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2005, 09:32:58 AM »
Originally posted by Cerberus

God is the epitome of good. and is all forgiving right?

If that is the case, and he DOES exist, surely he will be willing to forgive those that are (according to the artical) "rejecting his history ? including six-day creation and Noah\'s flood", and thus being "willfully ignorant" for their sin.

And if he\'s willing to forgive those who sin, what the f\'k are they bitching about?

If he does exist, he will forgive me for being open on the subject.

Thats not how it works. You are forgiven for what you ask to be forgiven for. Its not like you can murder thousands, get to the pearly gates, and all is well. If thats how things were, there\'d be no point in having a heaven and hell.

As for the article, I\'m not supporting their views in calling non-believers ignorant. I still find it hard to believe that dinosaurs and humas co-existed to be honest. Nothing to get heated over though.

Offline Cerberus

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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2005, 09:37:31 AM »
Originally posted by SwifDi
Thats not how it works. You are forgiven for what you ask to be forgiven for. Its not like you can murder thousands, get to the pearly gates, and all is well. If thats how things were, there\'d be no point in having a heaven and hell.

As for the article, I\'m not supporting their views in calling non-believers ignorant. I still find it hard to believe that dinosaurs and humas co-existed to be honest. Nothing to get heated over though.

Well, I\'ll ask to be forgiven for being open on the subject.
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you. I don't care where you've  been or what you plan to do. I am the resurrection and I am the light. I  couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like.

Offline CHIZZY

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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2005, 09:46:37 AM »
I forgive you.

Now repent by sending me $50 tithe, peasant.
Dinosaurs were killed in the flood. -#RaCeR#
Halle Berry just loves to give me the \"Dutch Oven\". That\'s why I stopped going down on her. It pisses me off so much that I just bang her til she faints. Bitch.-GmanJoe
i just try to make my sefhappy , by beng i company of fri

Offline Titan

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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2005, 09:52:44 AM »
*bows down to chizzy* Forgive me :(
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Offline THX
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2005, 10:33:21 AM »
but I think it\'s wrong when they try to ram their beliefs down the throats of others.

How\'s that?  I can\'t remember the last time any religion tried to ram its beliefs down my throat.


*From heaven

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
\"I thought japaneses where less idiot than americans....\" -Adan
\"When we can press a button to transport our poops from our colon to the toilet, I\'ll be impressed.\" -Gman

Offline Cerberus

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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2005, 10:37:08 AM »
Originally posted by THX
How\'s that?  I can\'t remember the last time any religion tried to ram its beliefs down my throat.


*From heaven

2 words.......

Jehova\'s witness

2 more words

fanatical christians

That reminds me, I don\'t approve the way certain groups use children to try to make you feel obliged to listen.

I\'ve yet to see a jehova\'s witness member come to my door without a malnourised & dishevelled child in tow
« Last Edit: January 19, 2005, 10:40:45 AM by Cerberus »
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you. I don't care where you've  been or what you plan to do. I am the resurrection and I am the light. I  couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like.

Offline Bozco
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2005, 12:08:15 PM »
"More controversial exhibits deal with diseases and famine, which are portrayed not as random disasters, but as the result of mankind\'s sin. Mr Ham\'s Answers in Genesis movement blames the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado, in which two teenagers killed 12 classmates and a teacher before killing themselves, on evolutionist teaching, claiming that the perpetrators believed in Darwin\'s survival of the fittest."

This is the most ridiculous part in my opinion.

Offline Samwise
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2005, 12:27:59 PM »
Originally posted by SwifDi
Thats not how it works. You are forgiven for what you ask to be forgiven for.

That\'s what catholics believe right?

Originally posted by SwifDi
I still find it hard to believe that dinosaurs and humas co-existed to be honest. Nothing to get heated over though.

They didn\'t.
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline politiepet
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2005, 12:43:18 PM »
so let me get this straight.....
An Australian who believes dinosaurs were killed by the flood 6000 years ago?
Haven\'t heard much from #RaCeR# lately......:eek:

how\'s that museum working out for you? ;)
i hope they all get aids and die they should bnt tbbe having sezx with just anyone they should be in love if theay are foing to have sex not just to make money I htink its wrong for them to just have sexzx for the fun of it specially when some of the performancs are married, its just wrong. tey are givng out deaseases to anyone and its just not right i tell you i think its really really wrong specially when tey have sex i dot whach porno though so im not sure what they do i dont theink theyr realy hjave sex its all just pretendnig but you never no what they do its just wrong speciallly when they dont even love each other its wrong i ell you in tsi just wrong. wtings owting wtrong wtongs wtongs. i dont like it. prlease explaions.

Offline EThuggV3
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2005, 01:01:55 PM »
You will not be forgiven for willfully and intentionally sinning. You can ask for forgiveness all you want, but you have to truely be repentant in your heart to recieve it. If you are choosing to continue being \'open\' to defying God\'s word, your request for forgiveness is insincere. You will burn in Hell. And God wants you to be ignorant, didn\'t you understand the deal with Adam and Eve at all? Ignorance and innocence are hand in hand. The only one who wants you to be \'smart\' is Satan, because he wants the company. He likes causing trouble. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, a lot of knowledge can be deadly.

Umm... as for the article... I don\'t actually believe any of this shit, but how are the signs going too far? If they believe what they claim, there\'s no other way they could view evolution really. I might not agree with most peoples beliefs, but I do respect when people truely believe instead of paying lip service and having flexible faith. You should be more pissed about the millions of Xtians that get divorce, commit adultery, fornicate, abort babies, kill, etc while claiming to still be Xtians. I\'ll take some supersticious ignorant hicks over hypocrites any day.

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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2005, 01:18:26 PM »
Its funny how religious people tell me that I\'m ignorant because I don\'t believe in God (I know from experience from fanatic friends). I can say the same thing about them that they are ignorant for keeping such a closed mind towards science and evolution and believing in a God that can\'t even be proven to exist. Show me proof that God exists and maybe I\'ll listen. BTW, I grew up religious and Catholic until like 3 years ago when I realized that I don\'t like being told what to believe and decided that I believe in the science rather than theology.
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"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
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Offline juslight
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2005, 01:18:57 PM »
Maybe the creation account was described using the measurement of days on God\'s "planet" or "heaven" or wherever he lives.

As we create virtual worlds like the Sims, their days are always way shorter than real days, so we can see the results happen in a reasonable time.

Maybe God created the Earth in 7 Million years? Maybe one of his days is like 1 million of our years.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2005, 01:21:08 PM by juslight »


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