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Author Topic: You have GOT to be kidding me  (Read 4236 times)

Offline Viper_Fujax

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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2005, 01:19:28 PM »
Originally posted by EThuggV3
You will not be forgiven for willfully and intentionally sinning. You can ask for forgiveness all you want, but you have to truely be repentant in your heart to recieve it. If you are choosing to continue being \'open\' to defying God\'s word, your request for forgiveness is insincere. You will burn in Hell

So its all a game. "Im going to make everyone question my existence and whoever believs in me lives in bliss for eternity..the others rot in hell." From what cerberus said, Im in the same seat as him as far as beliefs go. Being open minded, not saying he does exist while not saying he doesnt and going to hell for it? or pergatory.

And would if your a nice person and dont believe in him? isnt religion so you\'ll live a good live and be a good person? or is it to spread the word of god just for the hell of it.

edit: and how many times are catholics going to change their stories. First Adam and Eve was real, then metaphorical for a long time, now he walked with dinasoars?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2005, 01:24:35 PM by Viper_Fujax »
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2005, 01:25:53 PM »
Originally posted by juslight
Maybe the creation account was described using the measurement of days on God\'s "planet" or "heaven" or wherever he lives.

As we create virtual worlds like the Sims, their days are always way shorter than real days, so we can see the results happen in a reasonable time.

Maybe God created the Earth in 7 Million years? Maybe one of his days is like 1 million of our years.

:laughing: I never htought of it like that. That really is an interesting thought. What if we are God\'s video game and he\'s controlling everything like in The Sims. I don\'t believe it though

Originally posted by Viper_Fujax
And would if your a nice person and dont believe in him? isnt religion so you\'ll live a good live and be a good person? or is it to spread the word of god just for the hell of it.

My friends say I\'m one of the nicest people. I give when I need to and things like that. But I guess in the eyes of religious people, that doesn\'t mean shit and none of my good deeds will go noticed, since I\'m athiest and that makes me a bad person.
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Offline SwifDi
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2005, 01:41:13 PM »
Its amazing how much ignorance there is in regards to understanding Christianity...

Offline politiepet
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2005, 01:43:55 PM »
It\'s also amazing how much ignorance there is in regard to understanding science... ;)
i hope they all get aids and die they should bnt tbbe having sezx with just anyone they should be in love if theay are foing to have sex not just to make money I htink its wrong for them to just have sexzx for the fun of it specially when some of the performancs are married, its just wrong. tey are givng out deaseases to anyone and its just not right i tell you i think its really really wrong specially when tey have sex i dot whach porno though so im not sure what they do i dont theink theyr realy hjave sex its all just pretendnig but you never no what they do its just wrong speciallly when they dont even love each other its wrong i ell you in tsi just wrong. wtings owting wtrong wtongs wtongs. i dont like it. prlease explaions.

Offline THX
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2005, 01:48:22 PM »
Let\'s see if science saves your penis when it disentegrates from the FLAMES OF HELL.

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
\"I thought japaneses where less idiot than americans....\" -Adan
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2005, 02:01:59 PM »
we\'ve already had like a million of these threads....but i love hearing everybody\'s views on this...one thing is fo sho....we came from somewhere or someone...s**t why is earth the ONLY planet in our solar system that contains life? the point i\'m tryin to make is that whoever created us, why couldn\'t there have been humanoid life of some form able to adapt to say maybe the conditions of mars or of venus?...as there are many creatures that live in the ocean depths where the pressure would crush a human body in seconds,..why can\'t also there be life on these other planets where life could have adapted to those conditions?

is there a reason why we\'re the only form of life in our solar system? s**t in all of the universe are we the only form of intelligent life? i know i\'m going off in another direction with this as ultimately i believe there is a god,..but sometimes i like to think about these other theories....
knowledge, wisdom & understanding..these are the basic fundamentals of life

if you can\'t amaze them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t....

Offline Cyrus
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2005, 02:24:30 PM »
Ill just trow this in has anybody read the Davinchi Code or if lazy watched the movie. IF no on both everyone in this thread seriuosly needs to especially cerb
When did I realize I was God? One day I was praying and suddenly realized I was talking to myself.[/font]

Offline Ace
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2005, 02:33:50 PM »
Are people being forced to go through the museum?

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Offline Unicron!
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2005, 02:54:49 PM »
I personally hate how they seperate science and religion from each other.Whether they are scientists or priests.
I believe in God but not in the direct and literal understanding of the teachings.
You just cant read the bible or whatever and understand things.Its like reading in theory mathematics for the first time in a book instead of further using them in practice, experimentation and see their meaning which goes as far as physics and beyond
You ll never get a complete understanding of the basis of mathematics just knowing what they do in theory

Religion has become nothing but a money bringer and a way to blind people these days.I personally feel like vomiting when I watch stupid religious chunnels like God Tv or Church Tv or whatever they are called or watch Bush use religion or identify with Christianity.

Anyways.About this museum.It will be interesting to see things from a different perspective
« Last Edit: January 19, 2005, 02:56:07 PM by Unicron! »

Offline fre4d4
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2005, 03:21:28 PM »
I am a christian, and the one thing i never do, is try and ram my brliefs down someones throat,I never try ands speak to the J W\'S , seems every saturday they park thier cars on my street, and start canvasing the nieberhood, i never answer the door if i see them coming.

Offline THX
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2005, 03:23:57 PM »
Religion has become nothing but a money bringer and a way to blind people these days.I personally feel like vomiting when I watch stupid religious chunnels like God Tv or Church Tv or whatever

I wub hasty generalizations.  I don\'t know anyone who gets their religion from watching TV.

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
\"I thought japaneses where less idiot than americans....\" -Adan
\"When we can press a button to transport our poops from our colon to the toilet, I\'ll be impressed.\" -Gman

Offline Unicron!
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2005, 04:53:53 PM »
Originally posted by THX
I wub hasty generalizations.  I don\'t know anyone who gets their religion from watching TV.

Did you see anywhere that I said that generally everyone gets their religion fron their TV?

Offline EThuggV3
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2005, 05:56:04 PM »
Originally posted by Cyrus
Ill just trow this in has anybody read the Davinchi Code or if lazy watched the movie. IF no on both everyone in this thread seriuosly needs to especially cerb

Does watching a special on the History Channel count? :) It was very interesting, but since the book is a \'story\', I was less interested in actually reading it.

Speaking of the book... I dunno if I\'m allowed to do this... hmm... oh well. *risks another ban*

Offline Cyrus
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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2005, 06:55:59 PM »
Originally posted by fre4d4
I am a christian, and the one thing i never do, is try and ram my brliefs down someones throat,I never try ands speak to the J W\'S , seems every saturday they park thier cars on my street, and start canvasing the nieberhood, i never answer the door if i see them coming.

I think I do this......

I BELIVE everyman should get regular blow jobs and im constantly raming it down my wife throat...

Do that count?
When did I realize I was God? One day I was praying and suddenly realized I was talking to myself.[/font]

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You have GOT to be kidding me
« Reply #29 on: January 19, 2005, 07:32:16 PM »
Originally posted by Ace
Are people being forced to go through the museum?

No. But its kind of the principle of the thing. It seems to me that a museum is supposed to teach the people going through it fact, not myth and theology. Things in a museum are backed up by scientific facts. The things in this museum seem to me to just be attractions trying to do nothing but convert and brings nothing to the table.

The Jahova\'s witnesses are by far the worst. They came to my house one time and I was talking to one of my best friends over the phone. I couldn\'t get rid of them. I was gonna tell them I was athiest but they would have then tried to convert me. I took the pamphlets and shut the door and continued to talk to my friend.
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
"LOL u know id fuck yu wsboth right? i would love to fuck the both of uyouy

U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

"13 year old girls sleep with older men cause they think theyre in love
13 year old boys sleep with older women cause theyd be stupid not to


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