Originally posted by mm
he\'s still around?
though he just covers popular songs from the 80\'s
wait...he remade rock and roll nigger?
Yeah im pretty damn sure.
And as for "white music" and "black music" i dont really find putting it that way too too bad but i can understand were a lot of you guys are coming from. I mean nobody likes to have somebody say I hate this type of music, as if they dont like some small part of you because youre apart of that "race."
Its more of a common courtesy sort of thing in my opinion because when you get to the overall view of things, Rap, hip hop, etc. is/was developed, and performed mostly by black people. Now there are those grey area but say you listen to gore metal, or black metal, or thrash or grind core etc etc. Most of the people that make, develop blah blah blah are white people.
So you can kinda say that there is some truth behind the statements but i just feel that its more pleasant or common courtesy to not put labels on everything.
That was far too much than i inteded to write.