I know this game is a couple months old but I just bought it for PC since GT4 was delayed and I\'ve been having a racing itch for some reason. First of all I don\'t really care for the customzing "Pimp My Ride" look of cars but I found myself spending close to an hour last night visiting different shops to get my 240sx looking good. It\'s really peachy what you can do.
Graphics are certainly the best for the PC version, and there\'s a mod where you can choose whatever res you want, even widescreen, so it looks good for those with an HDTV. But being that it\'s EA they conform you to listen to their EA Trax list and you can\'t add any of your own music. Mostly rap but it has some dance music, most is bleh.
Oh and Brooke Burke is the "host" of the game, but so far I\'ve just heard her voice and seen a handful of still drawings. :evil: Anyone else play it? How long before I move up to another car? It seems like it\'s taking forever.