Originally posted by Samwise
My hobbies include masturbation and photography. And since I\'m cameraless at the moment, most of my time is spent spanking the monkey...
I\'m eyeing Canon\'s 20D though. But the thing\'s pretty expensive.
Just save your money and buy the digital rebel. You can get it with lens now for about 700 bucks and it does plenty.
Originally posted by SirMystiq
Sweet. I\'m in a photography class and I\'m enjoying it very much. I\'m having much trouble adjusting the stupid aperture and crap according to the light outside.
Any hints?
How about shutter speed, how should that be adjusted?
I\'m doing black and white photography by the way.
Aperature and it\'s relationship to shutter speed is what gives you depth of field. You can have an aperature match up well with a shutter speed and then as you open up the aperature you drop your shutter speed accordingly. THis will begin to blur the background more and more.
Also the more lens you use the more depth of field you get.
Whenever I shoot interviews when I could I would always get 10-20 feet away from the subject. I\'d then light it dimly so I could open the iris all the way, then bammo, blurry as hell background even only a few feet behind the subject.
If you want everything crystal clear however, shut the iris and go for a long exposure.
That\'s also how you get the star pattern on lights. Night scenes I lock it down and go for a 30 second exposure. You get nice long flares on the lights.
Also, a good tip for when you are doing low light still stuff, use either a remote trigger, or use the timer. No matter how still you think you were when you clicked it, you\'ll see it. The timer is great and it\'s free. No touchy the camera.
Not sure your question on shutter speeds.