Originally posted by JP
Aren\'t anyone else finding some of Allard\'s comments somewhat ridiculous. Like all this crap hype about HD and saying it\'s a leap that\'s equivalent to the one from 2D to 3D. What a load of turd.
If one were to simply pick out a few words and rearrange them as you did then yes, it would be ridiculous. Here\'s what he did say:
"If there\'s one big thing that I talked about in the keynote, kind of went from the 2D era to the 3D era, and that had huge ramifications, now we\'re going from 3D to HD."Here he is simply talking about transitions from one gen to the next. He stated that going from 2D to 3D had "huge ramifications", then he went on to comment that "now we\'re going from 3D to HD".
I can\'t see where he stated that the next gen transition would be equivalent to that of the 2d to 3d. Am I missing something?
"The biggest part of the HD era I don\'t think is the displays, I think it\'s that in the 3D era, what we focused on was making the developers rock stars. Giving them the tools, giving them the instruments if you will so that they could do their thing."There he talks about how the "HD era" does NOT refer to just displays. Then he comments on what he believes the 3D era was about.
"Now developers are making the gamers the rock stars. You know that the gamers can put more of themselves in the game and bring their imagination to the party, and if we can do this successfully in the next-generation it\'s really going to change gaming in a big way because it\'s not just the 3000-4000 people who are here (at GDC) this week, it\'s the imagination of the world."This part has to do with what he believes the HD era will be. Notice it\'s not just about displays.