I really expected a more entertaining thread. The guy is asking for ideas, not a bunch of "it\'s not worth it, Adan...it\'s not worth it!" I think we could at least grant his "last" request.
So here are my contributions:
-Trick a family member into doing it. Fake a 2am break-in. Father ends it all with one fell swoop of his rapier (this is spain, right?). Maximum emotional devastation for all. Bonus if a sibling witnesses the whole thing.
-The ol\' head-in-the-oven. Bonus if you can pull it off with an electric.
-Wear polyester leisure suit. Set self afire. The melting plastic fibers should be delightful.
-Drink self to death. While doing this, meet beautiful hooker who loves you unconditionally yet cannot disuade you from your goal. (not my idea, but darkly poetic and might earn you an oscar)
-Hide in landing gear of jumbo jet.
-Remove safety nets from family-sized trampoline. Impale self on neighbor\'s fence post. May require multiple attempts.
So there ya have it. Don\'t forget that el Diablo loves suicides.