Originally posted by GigaShadow
Hello last week...
What news is it creating out of Iraq that is fake? This story is nothing...
Before you go on about journalism, what about Jason Blair and the NYT and Dan Rather and 60 Minutes? Funny you weren\'t around to mention those then.
So what does it matter if it\'s from last week? It\'s still happening and it\'s still wrong.
I don\'t understand your parallel between these fabricated news stories and Jason Blair or Dan Rather.
Jason Blair (Stephen Glass, etc.) wrote false articles, but the reason wasn\'t to push for a certain cause i.e. support of Medicaid or Iraq sentiment. Blair lied in his articles for his own personal benefit, to make a name for himself and deal with the stressors of being a journalist working under the pressure of a major newspaper.
Dan Rather simply aired a story that was not fit to air. His failure was due to poor (and flagging) journalistic skills.
The Bush administration is pushing their agenda through the rose-colored tint of these fake news reports that do not say they are fake. Often, as in the case of a news report showcasing Iraqi-American relations in the U.S., the reports are STAGED. Interview responses are PRE-WRITTEN. The mood of the piece is slanted and the truth is obscured.
During Bush\'s first term more than $200 million was spent on this process. If the Bush administration is so sure its policies are the best policies, then why do you need a $200 million plus propaganda campaign to back it up?