Originally posted by SirMystiq
Was that meant to be ironic?
B/c last time I checked. His admin was bashed on how they handled the Iraq war? The war has had no results and the economy is falling apart. All we need is a winter storm to whipe us all out.
You compare Bush to Hitler, Hitler who caused WW2 and brought his own country into heaps of rubble. This makes you a complete and utter idiot. An imbecile.
Bush did not cause a world war. He did not bring the US down to heaps of rubble. Our economy is getting stronger (I have no idea where you got the "falling apart" from). There is no nuclear winter.
When I call you an idiot, it\'s not an insult. It\'s clearly your own fault for acting like one. When you say stupid things, I will call you stupid. That is not an insult. I\'m merely defining who you are. It\'s your role here to be stupid and an idiot. Please print this out for your parents to read. Interpret this to them so they know they bred an idiot son.