Cliff\'s Notes:
L-I-C posted his extremely harsh opinion.
mm deleted it because he thinks JP2 was a great man and doesn\'t deserve to be ridiculed as L-I-C apparently did. In this way, he likened JP2 to Mother Teresa and Mahatma Ghandi.
Unicron! came in acting like a tool.
L-I-C sticks by his claims that JP2 doesn\'t deserve praise. But also claimed that mm is being selective about what he deletes, claiming his posts were no worse than the jokes about JP2 and his feeding tube, and about JP2 thinking that Mother Teresa is a
At this point, I took a break to go masturbate over the video of that Keyra chick whist imagining that she was one of the girls I work with.
After that, it was all a bunch mm, Uni and L-I-C waving their dicks in the air. Fun, but ultimately a waste of time. Uni\'s was the smallest, btw.