I\'m loving it here too on my pc.
About MM\'s \'1.3\' remark ; this is actually
SplinterCell 2 becuz this game has the
original development team back on it.
Moreso than the tech itself or the storyline, the developer who did the game makes the biggest difference. Ubi Shanghai made a nice effort at Pandora Tomorrow but they\'re no Ubi Montreal.
If anyone has ever played SC1\'s add on missions Kola Cell and Vselka then you can clearly see that the Shanghai team ripped alot from those 2 add on missions into PT and even did a lesser job at it.
Really, what matters is that the original dev team is back and it shows. PT singleplayer is a b-side compared to SC1 and Chaos Theory. So, MM ; CT is the full sequel.
edit : i\'ll make some nice screenshots HDR style to post here ! :thepimp: