Originally posted by Rikku
MS had to have a HD in the Xbox. It was from the beginning that they were banking on seperating themselves with their online service, and to effectively sell the idea to developers they had to have the hardware equipped for it. Xbox Live would have been an absolute failure if people had to buy the HD in addition to the console. They were far too green in the console industry for anyone, developers and consumers alike, to buy into it.
The inclusion of the HD was a double edged sword, and did add to the costs of the Xbox quite a bit. However, it was only a part of the problem. The fact that MS used off-the-shelf parts was more costly than a custom solution, plus the absolutely awful deal with Nvidia. The later of which is still hurting them to this very day.
If Sony had had an online service to launch, plus the games and features to support it, then the HD would have done better. That goes in line with what mm said, the HD wasn\'t necessary for PS2. That can not be said for the Xbox and MS\'s plans for their Live service.
I agree but still what you are saying isnt that different from what I have said.
The reasons why support didnt work with Sony\'s HD are the reasons that MS had forseen and made them choose to include the HD with the XBOX and the only way to get the most possible support for it.As you said releasing the HD separately would have been a bad choice for XBOX(for the reasons I also described).
And thats what Sony did.but thats not because Sony themselves didnt do anything or cared.
The PS2 was launched in 1999.Much sooner than XBOX.Also too early to have the online service ready for launch.They have been working on it for a long time and they even delayied it.There were technical problems.
Sony couldnt launch PS2 with online service nor with a HD and there was no reason to
So why release it with one?
Also what I ment with the HD doing bad to the XBOX didnt have to do with cost.But with piracy.
Originally posted by Rikku
Wrong again. MS didn\'t just incur that cost to one-up the competition. Again, Xbox Live is the reason.
Think of the HD this way, it\'s a big memory card. It\'s also a necessary component if you\'re going to have an online service with the possibility of downloading large amounts of data.
I didnt say such a thing.You didnt get my point.What MS had in mind and planned to include the HD is a different story from why they could and Sony couldnt.
Somy could have included the HD with the PS2 if they could and support would have increased automatically when the online service was ready.If there was nothing to lose why not?But it was an unneeded move and a risk to take unlike MS