Originally posted by Unicron!
For those who care.They had to release it for Square\'s FF11
They had no further implications for the add-on other than FFXI, that\'s what I\'m having the issue with.
I suppose I would be better off asking anyone who purchased the PS2 version of FFXI if it was worth it.
No its not.But every person I know has modified their XBOX and have lots of games copied in their HD.
What\'s your point? With or without the HD the Xbox would have been pirated. The HD just allowed them a place to store it. How does that hurt MS?
I didnt mean that MS wanted to throw a HD in the XBOX just because they could afford it.What I am trying to say is that MS financial state enables them to take procedures other companies cant risk to try.Sony would have never tried a plan for an online service like MS\'s unless they were 100% sure they were going to profit from it.
That\'s besides the point. I don\'t care why Sony didn\'t release an online service, I\'m trying to find the reason for releasing the HD and not expecting it to bomb.
MS had to have the HD. Do you understand that? It wasn\'t a question as to whether they could afford it or not, it was necessity because they had planned on Xbox Live being their defining attribute.
Even the existence of XBOX is thanks to MS\'s ability to stand losses other companies cant.If it was a different company they would have seized the production of it.They can risk and keep making losses while building a fanbase and support at the same time.Thus increasing cost of production didnt mind MS as long as they saw that in the long term they would have built a base of users using XBOX live from which they could profit later
What does this have to do with anything?
Exactly.I didnt say otherwise.There were difficulties and since they profit already, they havent introduced something like MS.No reason to take such risky actions.It is true that FFXI must have been a primary reason since Square was planning to release this for years on it.But it was an opportunity to see the possibilities of other games using it in the future.But as you said since it was very expensive and few people would buy one developers didnt show interest and neither has Sony.Its just there for those that care.As I said it wasnt supposed to bring anything major because they saw that selling the HD separately they couldnt have gained enough support for it.Trying to bring major changes with the HD it would have been a waste of money and time
This is what I\'m arguing. Please don\'t bring the financial status of the companies up again, it\'s not important.
They could have gained support for the HD had there been a reason to support it (needing to store large amounts of data). When are you going to need all that space unless you plan on downloading it from somewhere?
It was entirely unnecessary save for FFXI. I suppose I can\'t grasp the idea of selling a $100 accessory for the purpose of one game.
Am I the only one that thinks writing "M$" instead of MS is really stupid?
I\'ve always wondered why people don\'t write $ony, it\'s just as easy and makes just as much sense.