You are forgetting one thing Mystiq - although we have freedom of religion and the seperation of Church and State - this country was founded by Christians. It is impossible to ignore that and its influence on our society.
I never would want to live under a theocracy, but at the same time I don\'t want to live in a society where religion is constantly attacked like it has been recently - ie. the Pledge, the microscopic cross on the LA City Seal, etc.
As for Christian lobbyists - they are just like every other lobby group in DC - all of them try to influence elected officials to vote according to their agenda.
The President is an individual and just because he is President does not mean he can\'t make decisions that are grounded in his faith. Bush is not a religious extremist, but he grounds his morality in Christian teachings. This is nothing new as Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, JFK and every President before them has done so. If a President were to make a decision based on spreading Christianity to other countries, creating laws that followed the strict teachings of the bible - you might have a point. This will never happen for three reasons - the other two branches of our government and the Constitution.
A little faith never hurt anyone and this country will never adopt an official religion so I fail to see how Bush using his faith to guide his decisions as some great violation of the separation of Church and State. Atheists need to learn how to tolerate those who have faith and the same can be said about Christian Fundamentalists who condemn all who don\'t believe.
Finally, I believe in tradition and the word God on our currency, in the Pledge, in Inaugurations, the observance of Christmas, or the use of crosses or other religious symbols doesn\'t offend me. This country was built by men of faith and men who had no faith. During the time of our country\'s growth these men didn\'t attack each other over their beliefs and didn\'t want to wipe away the traditions of our country.
Oh and I came to Alabama because of my job.