Where\'s the innovation in Windows? Take a look at how far Mac\'s OS has come (if you\'ve seen it in motion by someone who knows what he/she\'s doing you know what I\'m talking about). What drives Apple to innovate is competition, they have to one up Windows as much as they can, and they don\'t make nearly as much profit as MS.
MS has a stranglehold on the OS market, and have very little reason to put more effort into Windows then they have to. Apple, on the other hand, needs to give people a reason to either stay with them or convert.
With Forza, MS had to demonstrate they can challenge the market leader of racing sims. On almost all accounts they managed to better it. Forza would not have all the features it does if it weren\'t for Gran Turismo, and you can bet that GT5 will be a better game because of Forza.
Competition = innovation.