And it\'s definately as good as they say it is. While the first half of the movie is on par with episodes 1 and 2, the last half is as powerful (or more so) than any other movie in the series. The climax is just beautiful in it\'s execution, and wrought with emotion.
I won\'t give anything away just yet, but it\'s a very powerful movie, and wraps everything up nicely. The only possible complaint, which is almost a compliment, is that it does exactly what everyone expected, and wanted, it to do.
Edit: Well, it\'s 3am in the morning, and I can\'t exactly remember everything I wanted to type in this space, but I will say this: It left me wanting to watch episodes 4,5 and 6 all over again... now if only they could improve the light-saber fight in Episode 4 between OB1 and Vader. After watching Episode 3, it\'s almost an anti-climax.