The more transistors you can fit on a chip, the more processing power you can have. The closer they are, the faster they can transfer signals between themselves, which will make the console run faster.
More transistors = more horsepower. But that isn\'t the only factor, but it is a damn important one. Also, the CPU and the GPU need to work well with each other, which Sony described at the Conference, so I don\'t think there\'s a problem there.
I know you can\'t just compare numbers, but things like this are just obvious.
Well, all i know is that having more transistors on a slab of sillicon means more heatproduction and more energy greedy.
That\'s probably why the thing is so huge...and all that crap they\'re putting under the hood. Plus, it\'s not the final design (hopefully...and if it isn\'t the final design, I hope they make it smaller, because DAMN!).