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Author Topic: Phantasy Star Trilogy  (Read 806 times)

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Phantasy Star Trilogy
« on: June 01, 2005, 08:58:40 AM »
I\'ve been an RPG fan for a long time now and it\'s Phantasy Star IV on Sega Genesis that did it for me.

I heard a while ago that there was going to be a Phantasy Star Trilogy (PS1, PS2, PS4) on Playstation 2.

Did it already come out? Or did they decide not to bring it over for the U.S.? That would really suck, as I was looking forward to adding it to my "childhood memories" collection (the only other PS2 game in there being Sonic Mega Collection. ;) ...did I get that name right? Meh.)

Does anyone know the news on this game? It\'d be grately appreciated if you could help me out.

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« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2005, 02:28:48 AM »
The Trilogy is still on track for a US as far as I know. We\'re just not sure exactly when it will be out, due to the fact that they haven\'t even started on making Generation III yet. Since the PSTrilogy is just a part of a larger series of bargain games being released in Japan, PSIV will have to wait it\'s turn... and the Trilogy cannot be released here until all three of them are complete.

I doubt that they will choose not to release it here though. With the popularity of PSO\'s multiple versions over the past 4 years - and with the impending release of a new high profile Phantasy Star game (Phantasy Star Universe).. I don\'t see why Sega wouldn\'t try to cash in on the series popularity over here. Not to mention that the Sega Classics Collection managed to make it over, and there is already a Sega Classics Collection 2 in the making... I\'d say the chances of seeing the PSTrilogy are still very good.

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« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2005, 03:36:22 AM »
That\'s a relief. Thanks. :)


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