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Author Topic: Tasering a woman  (Read 4611 times)

Offline Phil
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Tasering a woman
« Reply #90 on: June 06, 2005, 11:40:18 PM »
I beginning to figure out why mm doesn\'t bother arguing with you any more.....

But as for my question, nobody was killed.  The officer was fine, the chick is fine, what the hell is the problem here?
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Offline Evi

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Tasering a woman
« Reply #91 on: June 06, 2005, 11:49:57 PM »
Cops have to get shocked with a taser before they are allowed to carry one. They have to know what the pain feels like. It\'s a good thing this doesn\'t apply to guns. ;) The affects of getting tasered are short-lived.

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Tasering a woman
« Reply #92 on: June 06, 2005, 11:52:03 PM »
for gods sake,   EviscerationX, you\'re saying that this chick being on the mobile phone telling her bf is a risk to the officer, i\'m saying that the cop probably didn\'t give a shit and was pissed off that she wasn\'t doing what he was asking.

phil, as i said, just because someone didn\'t die, doesn\'t mean what happened was right or justified. IMO He acted to quickly with the taser and there was probably many ways to avoid the use of the taser so early if at all.    How is this so hard to understand..

ps. whats with all these lame personal attacks.. Signs of desperation probably. Can\'t make a good debate, so insult.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 11:55:03 PM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
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Offline Viper_Fujax

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Tasering a woman
« Reply #93 on: June 07, 2005, 12:06:39 AM »
its a weird situation. Souly could be right but its easy to play monday morning quarterback. But if you are a cop in that situation you arent going to be a timid little guy "oh sure ill wait till you get off the phone".

So would using force and take the phone from her cause unnecessary fighting and what-not... arresting her would involve having to drag her out of the car and then this discussion switches from tasers to throwing people on the ground who are ignoring the cop. Pepperspray maybe...but again..when do u pepperspray..
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Offline Evi

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Tasering a woman
« Reply #94 on: June 07, 2005, 12:23:51 AM »
you\'re saying that this chick being on the mobile phone telling her bf is a risk to the officer
I didn\'t say that she was a risk, I said there was a potential for something to occur, and I also said that absolutely nothing could have happened as well.

Again, the affects of tasering someone is short-lived. You get much more damage from punching someone in the arm and giving them a bruise. Tasering hurts like a bitch (I have one). Me and my friends were being retards and tested it out (even the charge held in the metal tips after it\'s used hurts like hell). The cop-issued tasers are about 20 times as powerful though (the one I have runs off a freaking 9V battery), but they still have the same affect, just for a longer period of time.

Your muscles contract you into a fetal position, rendering you useless. It only affects the neuromuscular, not the cardiovascular. Tasering someone for 1 second will render the average person into a "passive" state. What I don\'t agree with was the length of time the cop tasered the chic for. He did it for like 10 f*cking seconds or something. That was way more than enough for the situation. Maybe if she had become violent or something, then I\'d understand. But again, the affects of being tasered are short-lived, and disappear as soon as you recover and your muscles aren\'t contracted anymore. There are no permanent side affects, so it isn\'t a big deal. She wouldn\'t listen to a damn thing he was saying, and this shit went on for like 10 minutes. What was he going to do, wait another 30 minutes? Would that justify a tasering? What time is long enough for you? Yes, I think he could have taken a little more time with the situation, but there aren\'t a lot of options when dealing with dipshits.

I agree with the tasering, I just don\'t agree with the length of time which he tasered the stupid woman for.

arresting her would involve having to drag her out of the car and then this discussion switches from tasers to throwing people on the ground who are ignoring the cop.
That would make Soully argue about how the cop should of spent more time talking to her before dragging her out of the car for not cooperating the entire time. Throwing someone on the ground could cause more injury than tasering. It\'s a lot safer than you think. Tasers are designed to end bad situations without causing the person any physical harm. Tasers just make you STFU.

ps. whats with all these lame personal attacks.. Signs of desperation probably. Can\'t make a good debate, so insult.
You\'ve been insulting too, unless you\'re just completely blind.

Offline Bozco
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Tasering a woman
« Reply #95 on: June 07, 2005, 12:52:30 AM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
The cop became impatient. His first threat was the tazer. Not to arrest, or threaten without means of harm. It was, get out of the car or i\'ll tazer you.  Doesn\'t matter how many times he warns her, he was already impatient and threatening a non threatening person with violence... There’s a reason why there’s a little link saying "Are officers too quick to fire Tasers?"

Don\'t spout little intelligence nonsense when you fall to think before posting.  You assume she poses no threat, but she could have a knife or a handful of other weapons on her in the car.

Bozco, try not resorting to insults. It’s just showing what little intelligence you have when you can\'t take someone’s opinions. Giving away imformation that could harm him?   lol give me a break.

Once again, you fail to think.  This lady has no problem resisting arrest, driving illegally, and many other law breaking actions.  What does she hope to gain by explaining to the guy where she was pulled over.  She put in the same sentence that it was bullshit and where they were located.  The first thought that comes to I\'m sure a lot of peoples minds, including the cop, is the potential harm from that.

P.S. reading responses that have came since I last posted everybody can see the potential harm from it yet you continue to argue blindly.  

And you\'ve resorted to insults before this.  Calling you a moron didn\'t undermine the fact that I\'ve completely out argued you.  I\'ve had points that make complete and rational sense.  Meanwhile you sit in denial defending a lady that broke the law and refused to pay up.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2005, 12:59:56 AM by Bozco »

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Tasering a woman
« Reply #96 on: June 07, 2005, 12:58:15 AM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
Thats the kind of speculation your putting on people. I doubt very much someone would get in their car and drive out to a place where a cop has pulled over a mate to have a go at the cop.. i very very much doubt it...  shooting a cop when being pulled over,  hell yea, driving out to shot one during a routine pull-over..  doubt it.

On programs like realtv they show shootouts between cops and people over simple traffic stops just like this.  To start giving the person the benefit of the doubt he puts himself in great danger.  As I said just before she was willing to break the law many times before this, what stops her  from getting violent now?  Shes already resisting arrest and acting irrationally.

Offline QuDDus
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Tasering a woman
« Reply #97 on: June 07, 2005, 01:27:27 AM »
While that does seem a little excessive. All over a traffic stop.
 I mean the women is screaming in pain. Just seems awful listening to it. I dunno. I mean he shot her so fast.

You never see her take a shot a him. I think he is just trying to justify what he did. He barely gave her time to get out of the vehicle.

I dunno not a cop. Thats a whole different mental state. So....
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Offline fastson
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Tasering a woman
« Reply #98 on: June 07, 2005, 02:19:05 AM »
That was funny. :D

She should have done what the officer said, he warned her several times. Yeah, he did the right thing.
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Tasering a woman
« Reply #99 on: June 07, 2005, 05:21:47 AM »
guess no one saw my post about someone actually dying from being taserd..:(...anyway i see soully\'s point, but that lady was wrong all the way around, i\'ve also seen on those tv reality cop shows where there was a traffic stop, and the guy gets out the car, takes the gun from the cop and shoots him with it.

yo, i\'ll be the first to say f**k the cops... when i put in a complaint for profiling a couple of years back, they were protecting their fellow officier to no end and acting like i was the one with the problem...:mad:..but ultimately this chick was wrong from the jump, you gotta listen to the police, maybe the cop should\'ve called for back up or something, who knows, but none of that would have happened if she would have done what the cop wanted her to do....
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Offline Cyrus
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Tasering a woman
« Reply #100 on: June 07, 2005, 07:16:36 AM »
I think u guys are totally missing the point IT WAS FUNNY A HELL.. I say we find this bitch and just tazer her repeatadly for fun!! I so want to be a cop now every single person i pull over will be " licesne and registration OR IM GONNA TAZER U.. 1 second up BAM........ (girl screaming)

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Tasering a woman
« Reply #101 on: June 07, 2005, 08:04:57 AM »
It would be interesting to know if the cop did indeed do it to lighten his day..
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Offline Evi

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Tasering a woman
« Reply #102 on: June 07, 2005, 10:58:55 AM »
guess no one saw my post about someone actually dying from being taserd..
Do you know how long you would have to be tasered for before you die? Whoever did that must have been tasering them for a solid minute or something without stopping...WTF? Was this a cop? Whoever used the taser in an inappropriate manner should have their privileges taken away. Tasers are meant to be used for a very short time...not going out all hardcore and tasering the crap out of someone for a long ass time until you realize..."Oops...they\'re not breathing."

Offline square_marker
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Tasering a woman
« Reply #103 on: June 07, 2005, 12:33:22 PM »
She absolutely should have been tasered.  She smart mouthed the officer, refused to comply, and had a record of some sort.  If you don\'t comply you deserve to be tasered, I\'m sorry that might be a bit to swallow for you leftists.  

What I didn\'t like is she called the officer a racist.  It wouldn\'t have matter if she was white or black, if anyone acts and talks like that to an officer, you have it coming

Obey the law, end of story.

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Offline square_marker
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Tasering a woman
« Reply #104 on: June 07, 2005, 12:40:00 PM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
for gods sake,   EviscerationX, you\'re saying that this chick being on the mobile phone telling her bf is a risk to the officer, i\'m saying that the cop probably didn\'t give a shit and was pissed off that she wasn\'t doing what he was asking.

phil, as i said, just because someone didn\'t die, doesn\'t mean what happened was right or justified. IMO He acted to quickly with the taser and there was probably many ways to avoid the use of the taser so early if at all.    How is this so hard to understand..

ps. whats with all these lame personal attacks.. Signs of desperation probably. Can\'t make a good debate, so insult.

He may have acted quick to taser, but under the contactually code, it would be ok at that time for an officer to use a taser if he wanted.  Most will not, but he choose to and it is perfectly written in his manual.  He was present, gave verbal directions, repeated them, went to use short physical force, met resistance, at the time being there, he could have used his baton, mase, or taser.

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