look, it\'s a simple fact that if people didn\'t like Microsoft\'s stuff, the company wouldn\'t be built on pyramids of money. does it mean people like crap? possibly, but that\'s a terribly arrogant presumption. are you better than the people who like Microsoft\'s stuff? probably.. but NOT BLOODY LIKELY.
I didn\'t say
all their products are crappy, but they still make crap (i.e. Internet Explorer). I don\'t think Windows is crap like a lot of people do, that\'s why I use it. If it\'s maintained properly, you won\'t have so many freakin\' problems. OS X is a lot more stable, but there\'s an exponentially greater amount of apps on Windows that I can\'t get on my Apple PC, and there\'s apps I can\'t get on my Windows PC, which is why I use both (the best of both worlds, I guess).
I use office. If I found something better I\'d use it.
Office for Mac is above and beyond the Windows version. Microsoft outdid themselves with hit, and I\'m grateful. Appleworks can kiss my ass.