Originally posted by Unicron!
Oh dear lord its L-I-C the mr polite-know-it-all!Show mercy.Poor me.....I am doomed.Please dont destroy me
That\'s fine, avoid the point.
The point, for the record was............
I didnt say that the graphics can be done on a PS1.I ment the gameplay.
About the over thousand participants they existed on the map.But not on screen at the same time.They were separated in packs and you faught those packs separately.
There was no draw distance either.
You are saying that the gameplay could of been done on the PSone, when it couldn\'t. The graphics was a direct influence to the gameplay, due to the fact you had so many characters on the screen. It\'s an example of, graphics influencing gameplay. And while you was fighting "packs", it was still more than the PSone could handle, at least in a reasonable manner.
It\'s just another example of you chiming in, when you are clueless.
When gamers see Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo 5, Final Fantasy 13, Metal Gear Solid 4 etc on PS3, they will buy it. The games will sell this machine maybe not early on, but 1-2 years in its life younger gamers will get the money for it
Xbox360 has only Halo
That seems very narrow minded. MS only has HALO? What about Perfect Dark Zero? Project Gotham Racing 3? The list goes on and on. Granted, none of them are as big titles as the PS3 (which none of appeal to me, then again, none of MS\'s line up appeals to me either). No, the PS3 isn\'t doomed. Don\'t recall saying that. We are arguing that it is to high priced for the main consumer on launch day. Then again, Sony\'s hype can do a lot, otherwise how would they stay in business selling subpar electronic equipment?