Originally posted by NVIDIA256
This is his opener, which he thinks will give him credence, for his next statement.
alliswell let me just state this, "You are transparent" It\'s quite obvious based on your replays both to this thread and the "PS3 $399" thread (which totally exposed your true colors) If you think in any way that you are fooling us, then you have sadly failed.
No go prepare the army, to fight off the EVIL M$ before they rule the world. Maybe if we all collectively pray to the all mighty SONY
they will come and save us from Satan (M$)
Mr NVIDIA, you are very transparent yourself, I havent exposed you yet due to my abundance of respect for the members of these forums, but I will hold back no longer
It is quite obvious you prefer the current and next generati]on of Microsoft video game consoles as opposed to Sony\'s entertainment systems, all of this informati]on can be easily disected out of your comments on this board, and by your name, NVIDIA, I can tell that you are into computer hardware and software, live in a one-bedroom flat, you are in your 20s, your not a patient gamer, you probably enjoy shoot\'em ups and fighters, does not like sim racers due to no patience, extra hate for the granturismo series because the cars dont explode into a thmousand pieces like Burnout, easily impressed by screenshots of the side of a building that looks no better than current systems, has deep love for Xbox systems yet attempts to hide it in order to try and trick people into thinking that your comments are non-biased, but are based on logical well thought out ideas
also, doesnt get tired of button smashers, thinks he can figure the true motives of others, probably works at Office Depot or Best Buy, has 3 cpus, only 2 work