US Airways cutting free pretzels to trim costs
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Passengers who love those little bags of pretzels given away aboard US Airways flights had better move fast to get some more because the airline is cutting them from the menu.
Beginning in September, US Airways will pull the pretzels from domestic flights in a move expected to save more than $1 million a year. The savings is part of the airline\'s larger effort to compete with low-fare airlines, spokeswoman Amy Kudwa said Tuesday.
Last month, Northwest Airlines replaced free pretzels with 3-ounce bags of trail mix that passengers can buy for $1.
Passengers "are not driven by whether there are pretzels there or no pretzels there," said David Stempler, president of the Air Travelers Association.
Aboard transcontinental flights, US Airways last month started selling chips, candy and beef jerky for $3. Flight attendants also sell sandwiches for $5 or $7 on flights that last at least 2 ½ hours.
The airline will continue serving free juice and soda.
US Airways\' pretzel purge might not be permanent. The airline is merging with America West Airlines, which still serves pretzels or peanuts.
An America West spokesman said the airlines have not yet solved the pretzel predicament because they\'re focused on bigger issues.
I find it hard to believe that these airlines are in such danger of becoming bankrupt. I mean, flights are now $300-400 for round trips within the United States.
I have been to airports several times since 9/11 and it does not seem like there is a huge drop in people who are flying, yet almost every major airline company reported a loss last year.
And who gets the shaft? Who gets the freaking pillows and PRETZELS taken away? The paying customers.
We are in need of an airline re-organization.
From now on I\'m flying Hooters Air