Originally posted by Blade
How can you say that The Bends sucked? It\'s one of the most listenable rock albums of the 90\'s.
OK Computer is great, but IMO peters out after Karma Police. First half good, second half not so good.
Kid A is fantastic in its own right, and Amnesiac is close. HTTT is good too, although I\'d place it slightly below everything else except Pablo Honey.
I think the 2nd half of OK Computer is the stronger half. Let Down and Subterranean Homesick Alien highlight the first half (with Let Down being my favorite of the album), but No Surprises, Lucky and particularly The Tourist tops everything else on the first half. Climbing up the Walls and Electioneering are great fun, too. Airbag, Paranoid Android, Karma Police, Exit Music, as great as they are, are probably my least favorite on the album.
The Bends is filled with beautiful songs, but compared to their later stuff, it\'s almost simplistic. The standout songs being, as I already stated, Planet Telex, Bulletproof (!) and Bones, along with Black Star and Nice Dream being personal favorites.
Kid A and Amnesiac are simply flawless albums. Sometimes when I\'m at home by myself, I turn all the lights in the house off, clear a space on the floor, put Amnesiac or Kid A (or both) in the CD player, turn the voluume way up and just lie there listening for every nuance of every instrument, every sound, every inflection in Thom\'s voice(s) in absolute awe. It\'s amazing that I still find new things that I never noticed before whilst listening to their music.
Pablo Honey, I\'ve only really listened to a few songs from it... ok...