I like that I\'ll be able to download any and all games from Nintendo\'s past. The Revolution gets a thumbs up from me in that regard, but I\'m not entirely sold on it yet. What\'s next generation about it? What makes it a "revolution"?
Sony has shown they have more usb ports than you\'ll ever need. WTH? Where\'s the online service? Where are the cool demonstrations of what PSP and PS3 can do together? They haven\'t shown me anything that gets me remotely excited about next-gen.
Microsoft has nearly sold me a Xbox 360. I love that there is a free Xbox live service now, I\'m anxiously awaiting more information on that. The Xbox Marketplace (the whole customization aspect of everything) sounds good, but I\'m waiting to see exactly how it all works out. I\'d buy Project Gotham Racing 3 just to customize cars, buildings, billboards - the whole city from what I understand - and drive around in it. I like the sound of it all, but, as I said, I need to see how it all works for myself before I\'m sold.