Originally posted by QuDDus
I have no problem with gays as long as they keep it to themselves and don\'t try to force it down are throats.
We have to see homosexuality on tv. And people say video games are bad. I am not dissing your sexual preference. But do what you do and don\'t worry about what society thinks.
Don\'t force it in our lives and homes
Oh God.. That\'s the dumbest shit I\'ve ever heard. You "have" to see it on TV? Only if you\'re a closet queer feeling subconscious urges to satiate his forbidden desires..
looks at Quddus.
Do what you want to do, just don\'t let me see it or I might turn gay!!!!!
Comparing it to violence?? As though being gay was as bad as being a wifebeater.
That\'s even assuming that seeing this stuff on TV or in games actually
has an effect on your personality.
I see having people of all natures, races, creeds, religions, sexuality and colors on TV and other entertainment mediums as nothing but a good thing. To educate our children (and ourselves) that these things are natural and a part of life, so that when you
do see homosexuals walking down the street (or on TV..) holding hands, you don\'t interpret it as forcing it down your throat.
That\'s like a racist saying; "Yeah, I don\'t have a problem with blacks, just as long as they\'re not on my TV!! Fucking Denzel Washington."