Below I have provided the Carmack Keynote speech, which took place at the id Software Special Presentation. Also At the bottom I have provided links for those of you whom are further interested in seeing the full keynote speech
John Carmack is the most respected Game Engine coder/designer, this man tends to be very honest and conservative about his views and his analytical opinions are usually spot on .This man in his speech cuts right through the SONY and M$ BS marketing hype, and gives us the real low down on the development of multi-processor coding. Some things Mr. Carmack has noted are:
-Carmack not happy with Microsoft\'s stance on OpenGL vs. D3D
Carmack warns that technology in next-gen consoles when looked at in a practical/realistic manner is not nearly "as powerful as it sounds"- The "return" from multi-processing on future platforms won\'t be as glorious as some originally thought Parallel programming = tough, even on consoles; performance benefit vs. extra time may not be worth it. not for a while.
- Carmack is not looking forward to separate physics cards; too complicated and when heavily used, they will slow game down.
$100 million games are just around the CornerCarmack seemed to side alot more with Microsoft than Sony;(keep in mind he still feels that both Cell And Xenon have there problems) seemed to "shrug" off Cell processor for design reasons. There will be the developers that go ahead and have a miserable time and do get good performance out of some of these multi-core approaches, and the Cell is worse than others in some respects here" None the less he then proceeds to point out the x360\'s shortcomings in detail.
Also he said that IBM made a misstep with PS3 Cell processor into thinking that the Graphics aspect is already been done, and we should concentrate on CPU power for physics and AI only, which Carmack thinks is way off base. The Cell processor he Suggested was made for Physics and AI and its graphics capability is not that high. (Please bear in mind if you listen or watch his speech he does not go out and bash the Cell or 360 instead the man is very respectful and cautious in regards to how he approachs each subject.
Also he discusses the ps1, Sega Saturn, the ps2 and how all development went on them etc... and also the Xbox
Then get\'s into detail about AI in game development and how it\'s more cutting edge than Graphics
Much more is discussed in detail, If any one is a game fan you must download the video it\'s 240mb(90 min long very interesting none of it is boring) I have provided a torrent file link. Download took me about 10 min
Download Video----->