if it doesnt have HD-DVD, im not buying it like the rest of the suckers, and then make excuses
You are a sucker mm, like when the XBOX came out which you said was not worth buying, yet magically like always you ended up with one shortly after launch, and made the excuse that it\'s purchase was one of convenience, (something along the lines that you got it for $100 used) You did the same thing with Kill Bill, bash the living hell out of it, without even seeing the film and then when many criticized you for that, again your imaginary girlfriend draged you to see it, LOL.
wah, wah no HD-dvd = worthless , funny I thought #1 primary reason for purchasing a console was to play games? So XBox360 lacking HD-dvd is going to rune/hamper the gaming experience? All you are doing is cherry picking any issue you can come up with to make the 360 look less attractive. At least I give practical valid reasons for not wanting to purchase the 360.