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Author Topic: Diffuse the Bomb  (Read 950 times)

Offline Paul2

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Diffuse the Bomb
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2005, 02:37:36 PM »
i was wondering if anybody noticed i wrote the word "diffuse" but its actually spelled "Defuse."  Defuse and diffuse are two different words with two different meaning.

Diffuse means to spread or scatter while Defuse means to  To remove the fuse from (an explosive device).

I found that out after JBean posted the result of his winning and I notice the word is spelled different.

i think you probably found most of the items, but you still missing a paperclip which is hidden behind the drawer.  You need to click it right on the spot for its to reveal a paper clip.  After the paperclip.

Connect the paperclip to the stick and use that to pulled out the explosive box.  but wait, don\'t cut it yet.  You can cut the blue wire first.  Then go to back to the part where there is a table hanging on the wall where the toolbox it.  Underneath the table is a screen.  Connect the puzzle to the screen for the  all the lights on the right to emit.  Those four lights are the order of color you need to cut on the wire.


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