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Paramount Pictures, a company that was previously exclusively backing HD-DVD as the format to replace the DVD, has announced it will also be supporting the rival format, Blu-Ray. Apparently a major reason for the switch in support was the Playstation 3, which will include a next-gen Blu-Ray drive at release.
Warner Brothers is poised to raise the stakes in what has become a pitched battle over the next generation of digital videodisks, or DVDs. Warner Brothers is expected to throw its weight behind a new generation of high-definition DVDs sponsored by long-time rival Sony (SNE ), BusinessWeek Online has learned.......Last November, Warner along with Paramount, Universal and New Line Cinema, had said they would provide their movies to the HD DVD disks. For now, Warner would declare "nonexclusive" support for Blu-ray, meaning it could theoretically produce films in both formats.Still, the support for Blu-ray would indicate Warner Brothers is no longer convinced Toshiba and HD is the only way to go, and it leaves open the prospect of exclusive backing for Blu-ray. Paramount on Oct. 2 said it would make its movies in both formats. Microsoft (MSFT ) and Intel (INTC ), meantime, have thrown their weight behind the Toshiba-led group backing HD DVD...
Originally posted by Titan So soon movies will only be on Blu-Ray? (assuming they win that is). I just got used to buying everything on DVD
Originally posted by Unicron! VHS is still around too.But people buy DVDs more