y\'know all i\'ve been hearing lately is that we\'re in some kind of energy crisis....how are we in an energy crisis?! some say it has to do with supply and demand, but c\'mon...the demand has been no different since yesteryear and still gas prices are out of control..is the earth running out of natural resources as we know it, or is the war in iraq a part of it....alot of people say iraq has nothing to do with it, but i think it plays a part...i mean we\'ve been using the same amount of oil over the years in general right? how can there be such a dramatic change and demand for oil in such a long stretch? usually the price for gas goes down during the winter month\'s, yet they are still goin higher, it\'s all bulls**t, and if this is all opec\'s doing then we need to do something about them controlling the oil in this manner....
i\'m ranting now but i heard something just today on cnn, i didn\'t know that canada was the u.s. largest supplier of energy? does this have something to do with that power grid up there? or is it something else altogether?....anyway it just goes to show how dependent the u.s. is for foreign oil and energy any disturbance in the flow of oil will cause prices to soar...pathetic.....