Originally posted by SirMystiq
So, is that your defense?
"Clinton did it too!"
Nice. Cheney\'s head WILL be ours!
To Mystiq: Happy Anniversary!
Courtesy of the Yahoo Message Boards.
Happy Anniversary Libturds!!
by: formyduval1 (35/M) 11/02/05 12:03 pm
Msg: 32 of 166
6 recommendations
Happy anniversary all you little libturds and
irrelevant Canadian pre-people! This is your sweet
little 12:02 P.M. reminder that NOTHING in all the
vastness of the universe will change the election
results of November 2, 2004.
November 2nd--that sacred day! As we celebrate the one
year anniversary we invite you libturds to take a
stroll with us down memory lane. Think back to that
day just a year ago. You awoke giddy with anticipation of voting Dubya
out of office. Full of confidence, grinning from ear
to ear, some of you even took the day off from your
union jobs. At the polling places you chatted with
likeminded libturds and the prospect of a Kerry
victory had you in almost continual orgasmic paroxysms
throughout the day.
Some of you invited libturd friends over to watch
election results on TV. You stocked up on alcoholic
beverages for the inevitable celebration. You ordered
in pizza.
And then the voting results began to trickle in. At
first there were no big surprises. States that always
vote libturd went libturd and states that always do
the right thing did the right thing. But then, in
Florida, something didn\'t look just right. Dubya
seemed to be ahead by a larger margin than you were
comfortable with. But when Pennsylvania was called for
libturds it gave you momentary solace.
Then as the minutes trickled by you had those first
pangs of self-doubt. The results, although early, just
weren\'t what you were expecting. Some states that you
hoped would vote libturd were being called for Dubya.
And then the first true bitchslap hit you squarely.
FLORIDA WAS CALLED FOR DUBYA. And there were even more ominous
portents of catastrophe. Although only a few precincts
were reporting, Ohio wasn\'t looking good. Algore
states like Iowa and New Mexico were not looking good.
Finally several media outlets called Ohio for Dubya
and your libturd hearts sank. That gave him 269 Electoral votes. And while several western states would almost certainly go to Kerry, there sat Alaska, like a giant guillotine that would shortly cut your libturd dicks off and you were powerless to prevent it. Seeing the heavily Republican Alaska still not called was, for libturds, like falling out of a skyscraper and seeing the pavement below, with nothing that could prevent your being smashed into a bloody pile of unrecognizable flesh.
In our minds\' eyes we see your fists pounding on coffee tables shouting NO! NO! NO!
We see the cold slices of uneaten pizza lying in front
of you, your appetites now gone.
We imagine the looks of shock and dismay on the faces
of such creatures as George Soros, Matt Damon, Barbra
Streisand, Alec Baldwin, and others that spent a fortune of their
own money to try to defeat Dubya.
We see people interviewed at the "Kerry Celebration
Party." They seem dazed, walking around like zombies."
Reporters describe the mood there as "subdued."
We imagine the rage that must have pulsated through the
heart of TerRORza Heinz-Kerry. We imagine the shock of
her husband Lurch. Even earlier in the day the Drudge
report had claimed that exit polls showed him winning
and winning big! What on earth could have happened?
They\'d spent millions. But they didn\'t count on the
Swift Boat Veterans.
The booze that you bought for celebration was used
instead to put you into drunken stupors as you waddled
to you beds in shock and abject disappointment in the
early hours.
Yes, November 2, 2004 was an awesome, wonderful night!
Let all those memories saturate your minds today while
Dubya\'s famous smirk taunts you with his victory and
your defeat.
And let the spectre of an ultra-conservative Supreme Court cause you unquenchable anxiety.
He\'s Dubya. And all across the fruited plain he is
wiping your libturd butts with sandpaper.
If you didn\'t get the point of that in context to the Democrats behavior of late I will make it simple. GWB won the election exactly one year ago today and no matter how badly you wish it were not so, it is and there is nothing you can do about it.