Among the planets in the solar system, only Earth has the right size, distance from the sun, and abundance of water to allow for carbon-based life. Other planets are too far from the sun (or too close), which leads to extremely long orbital times and dramatic drops in temperature, have no atmospheric protection from UV light, lack suitable water, etc. I\'m no planetary expert, but this is all stuff I learned in high school.
If you throw aside the religious falsifications and look on the molecular level, you find a constant vindication of evolution. Life is universally based on DNA, RNA, the same 20 amino acids, ATP, mitosis, meiosis, all of which lead to the case for an ancient prototype that gave rise to everything else. Even the question of the non-spontaneity of life can be answered when you consider the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It frustrates me that proponents of intelligent design constantly raise biological questions that research has in almost all cases already answered. The reason that intelligent design has such mass appeal is because of its simplicity. One needs only to actually study biology to see that evolution is not just the random development of appendages, but a complex build-up at the molecular level. It is sad that more than half of Americans choose the easier alternative because they lack the drive to educate themselves.