The thing to remember about ebay is that the console sales really bring out the nasties.
For the PS2 launch, I remember that I had a lot of grief selling my second one:
1) Lots of people bid on 5-10 of the item, and then only pay for the one they got "cheapest", leaving my first acution with a NON PAYING BIDDER.
2) Relist - ok, monitoring my bidders, making sure that they bid on only mine. Guy who won mine won two others, but paid right away (and waaay over market, at like 1.2G US). Ok, sounds good. Got a phonecall from paypal like 3 hours later, just before I sent out the package that he had used fraudulent CCs, and not to ship - scammer (I got lucky).
3) Finally sold my PS2 at a respectible 150% of MSRP to some family man wanting one for XMAS, so it was a lot of work/risk.
That\'s why I didn\'t do it this time. Quite frankly, any time you see a 360 on ebay going for more than 1G, you can count of the fact that it isn\'t going to sell. In that 5G one above, the bidder is a new account just created, with no feedback, so either a non-pay or a scammer. It\'s the risk you take for selling a high demand item on ebay. Unfortunatly lots of times those guys bidding on 15 of em for the \'cheap one\' bid like 2G knowing they won\'t be paying if it actually gets that high. You will be able to flip a 360 premium for about double what you paid, but there will be a significant chance of scammer, reverse chargers, and non paying bidders. Keep in mind, that the way paypal handles a fraudulent CC charge is to take the money back, even though you sent the item.
*edit* just for curiosity\'s sake, I\'m going to drive by and see what time walmart (or if) sold out today.
Walmart sold out today at around 6 PM, so people were walking in all day to get a box. All the other stores are sold out, with one future saying if I came around 10 am tomorow, they were expecting more. Zellers still had a half dozen at around 6 PM.