The Anime Expo this year was pretty cool. Me and my group that sort of formed itself drank until 3 in the morning every night. On one of the last days we were there, security kept coming out telling us to quiet down. We were all singing the America, FUCK YEAH! song. Funny shit. Lots of hot chicks dressed as school girls...cliche thing to do I guess. A lot of them were flashing their tits at 2 in the morning. Luke must\'ve been there because this weird guy interrupted us and wanted to show us that light saber glowy thing-uh-muh-jig (the expensive one).
There were some cool costumes and some faggoty ass costumes. I didn\'t dress up this year, but my friends want to go as Harvey Birdman characters...which would be gay. Then there was some hotel with all kinds of shit to do, and these two dudes were playing on the piano and sax and were playing songs from all kinds of different anime/video games. They played the real folk blues from Cowboy Bebop. It was pretty interesting. I didn\'t expect so many hot ass girls to be there. It was one of those things where...if you weren\'t dressed were the loser. But whatever.
My friend cheated on his girlfriend TWICE while we were there...because he\'s a fuckstick. And this guy whom I never met got pissed at me because I was mackin\' on the girl that he was supposedly trying to get with for years. Maybe he should get the hint that she doesn\'t like him.
Anyway, I was drunk half the time, met some cool people, bought some cool things, and overall it was fairly enjoyable. I don\'t know about this Fanime crap though.
Oh and the funniest shit was this guy...he\'s apparently famous at the Anime Expo and he goes by the name of Man-Faye. He dresses up as Faye from Cowboy Bebop and he got kicked out of the Expo because he\'s dressed like her and he\'s fat and hairy. Fucking hilarious.
This was the very first one I\'ve been to, and I dunno if I should go again next year. Meh...