I think the albums awesome. Nothing like the first one obviously, then they changed a bit with toxicity but still kicked ass, then gave a compliation cd of mediocre songs that didnt make it on toxicity with steal this album. Mezmorize was pretty good, but didnt have the replayablity as the first 2 albums.
But the new one is really good. It obviously has the sound of mezmorize, but the singing is a lot better in hypnotize. Theres a lot more of the guitarist singing, whose voice annoys the crap outta some people, but i think it sounds good.
not really sure how to totally describe the sound, but if u like mezmorize, you\'ll really like this album. If you cant stand the guitarists voice, i doubt ull like it but its worth a try.
Id list the best songs but the only one that i dont like is She\'s like heroin..alright song but not as good as the rest. and vacinity of obscenity is a weird ass song.